Saturday, June 24, 2017

broke the string

I did not do a blog last night

And I almost did not do one tonight.
Let's just say vertigo and migraines do not mix.  According to the doc at urgent care, I seem to have both.
The vertigo has improved....the room stopped spinning about 2 p.m. today.  But the migraine persists, just not as severe.
I went to bed at 11 Thursday night and got up at 7:30 Friday for a couple of hours.  I could barely read the paper on line, my head hurt, the room was spinning, and I felt nauseous.  So I went back to bed and slept until almost 4.  Emily came after work and took me to urgent care.
Last night I slept from 9 pm to about 11 this morning.
My BP is fine, it's just the head hurts.
Planning on going back to bed now and sleep.....maybe that will help.
That's it.

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