Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Yeah, that was me

Sometimes I do brilliantly stupid things

   We have a lilac tree at the top of our driveway.  It was planted 3 years ago, so it is not a new tree.
   It produces a wonderful scent during lilac time and is a nice visual.
   There are flowers around it, and this area seems to get a lot of thistle.  So I go out and dig out the weeds on a regular basis.
   Before the dizzy incident, I had gone out and noticed the tree was still staked.   Steel pipes driven into the ground, wires around hose to hold it up.  And it worked, because the tree was straight.
   Three years is a long time to stake a tree.  So I cut the wiring to the stakes.
   I did not think too much about it until about a week later when I noticed the tree was on a 45 degree angle.
   I could not reattach the wires, because I cut them.
   I should have gone to the store, buy wire, and then attempt to straighten the tree.   But instead, I tried using the old wire, piecing it together.
   That did not go very well, as time will tell.
   So I stopped.  That was Tuesday.  Wednesday I went to the ball game.  Thursday I cleaned house. Friday I got dizzy.
    I went out and saw the tree on a 45 degree angle again.
   So I attempted to re-straighten the tree.  I don't know how it looks now, because it is dark and windy.  But I think this will be an ongoing process.
   How hard is it to stake a tree?
   Harder than I thought.  I should have remembered what my pops used to say:  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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