Thursday, June 15, 2017

shut up already

I have to learn to keep my big mouth closed

     That was reinforced to me when I was riding my bike.  Sometimes I sing or talk and as I had my mouth open, something big flew in.  I spit it out right away, so I never saw what it was....only that it seemed to be as big as a golf ball and hairy.
     I am lucky it wasn't a bee or something with a stinger.
     I wonder if there was a screen that I could wear over my mouth and nose when I ride.  Seems totally impractical, but for some people it would be a nice way to keep bugs out of the mouth.
     Not that a little extra, free protein isn't merited from time to time.
     When I was in fourth or fifth grade, Mrs. Byrd was my teacher.  She was about 110, which means she was probably 4o.  During spring vacation she went to Arizona and brought back fried grasshoppers and cactus candy for the class to try.
     I ate part of a grasshopper, and it was not too bad.
     My sister in law gave me some chocolate once and it tasted like a Nestle Crunch bar.  I was fine until she told me it was actually chocolate covered ants.   But honestly, again, it wasn't too bad.
     I have read several times that certain bugs are abundant and rich in protein, like grasshoppers and cockroaches.  They could be a food source, especially in times of want.
    But until then I will pass on the peanut butter and grasshopper sandwich.
    And I'll ride with my mouth shut.

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