Wednesday, June 14, 2017

what a dream I had....

I had  the weirdest dream last night

     Weird, not because it was so vivid but because I don't remember it.  Yet it woke me up.
     It was around 2:30.  I know, because as I walked through the house I looked at the clocks on the tv and oven.
     I have a vague vision of a girl with long dark hair.  I think she was stealing from me, but I don't know.  She was sitting on a crate, like a shipping crate.
     It wasn't a frightening dream.
     So, what woke me up?
     The girl was smoking a cigarette.  And I smelled cigarette smoke.
     You know the smell:  it drifts into your car when you are near a smoker, or inside a building when someone is smoking nearby.
     When I woke up, I still smelled cigarette smoke.
     That's why I walked through the house.  None of the security lights were on, so that means no one walked close enough to the house to trigger them.
     Corki never barked.   Hell, she didn't even wake up when I walked through the house.
     No one appeared to be outside anyplace.
     And yes, all our doors and windows were closed.
     I think I was visited by a cigarette smoking ghost.
     What do you think?  Ghosts?  Or a vivid imagination?
     Maybe all that dust on the floor is not really dust, but ash from a ghostly cigarette.
     Damn, now I know I won't sleep well tonight!!

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