Saturday, June 10, 2017

busy, busy day

I rode and comedied today

     I don't think that is a word.  Let me splain, Lucy.
     The MS Tour de Farms was today,  John and I rode 15 miles, Carrie went 35.
The wind was so strong, there were points when I tho9ught I was moving backward.
     Granted it was only hard on the western and southern part of the ride....which was about half the ride.
     John and I took frequent rest stops to water up and recoup some strength.  Carrie, who is 70 years younger than us, said even she had trouble with the riding into the wind part.  (Ok, I exaggerate.  She is only 60 years younger.)
     One of the volunteers said there were 1,100 riders today.  That's a lot of bikes.
     The wind was even blowing some of the shade tents over.
     And when I sat down to lunch, my gloves, sunglasses, water bottle and plate all blew off the table!  Luckily I had finished eating.
     Then this afternoon/evening Exit 99 performed, for the first time in a couple of years.
     We did a two hour show in Ashton.
     By the end, I was tired and covered in sardines and whipping shirt smelled, I smelled, we all smelled.
     It was the most fun I have had in a long time.
    The question is:  Do I ride again tomorrow and really push myself?  Or do I rest on my laurels with today's effort.
    Time will tell.

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