Friday, June 2, 2017

peace and quiet?

It's a noisy world

     When we looked at the lot that our current house is sitting upon, it seemed pretty quiet.
     Not quite half a mile from our old house, along the same north south road, it is definitely in the country.
     Then we built.
     I don't know what happened.
     Flagg Road is like an expressway!  Lots of cars, trucks, farm vehicles, motorcycles and who knows what else.  I think part of the problem is the tollway fare increase and construction.  If you are going from Dixon to DeKalb, it is cheaper to drive the back roads.  And Flagg Road only has 3 stop signs from Dixon to Rochelle.  My belief is that more people are avoiding the toll way and using Flagg Road.
     But Skare Road also has a lot of traffic.  Maybe it's from my subdivision and the one across the road, but it seems to be constant.
     Tonight I sat on the patio with a glass of red.  (Laurie, I did not break this glass!)
     And for 30 traffic.  Nothing.  No hums, buzzes, roars or rumbles.      Just quiet.
     It was great.
     I could hear people down the street talking and laughing.  The kids across the road were out playing and making noise.  It was amazing.
    30 seconds.
    About 10 minutes later, it happened again.
    Just 30 seconds of quiet.  I really enjoyed that.  And the wine.
    But not the bugs.  Guess I better buy lots of repellent for this summer!

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