Monday, June 26, 2017

medical update

I did go to a doctor today

     He is pretty sure it is a migraine/vertigo situation.
     But....because of my blood pressure.....and a couple of other dizzy spells, I have some tests to do.
     Eliminating all other causes is the official explanation.
     I told Jackie that by the time we ate supper tonight, I felt pretty darn good and if I felt that way at the beginning of the day, I would not have called.
     So I am fine....don't worry, be happy.
     I do appreciate all the concern.  Most of you know that when I have a pimple it is actually a tumor growing at unprecedented speeds.  And that mosquito bite is actually the start of a flesh eating disease episode.
     Yes, my mind does blow things out of all logical proportion.
     Still, it's nice to know people care.
     Now, following a nail biter in Washington in which the good guys came out on top, I am headed to slumber land.

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