Wednesday, June 21, 2017

oops, my mistake

I completely misunderstood the Go Naked concept today

     I apologize to any neighbors I may have offended.
     I did have clothes on when I went to the Cub game.
    Took John along, so there were two Johns.  No name confusion there.
    Caught the 9:25 out of Elburn.  No problem.
    Left West Chicago and sputtered to a stop.  Problem.
    Taking the 9:25 puts me into Chicago at 11 or so.  Then a 10 minute walk to the Red Line and a 20 minute ride to Addison, at the park by noon.
     Plenty of time to get the 25 percent discount on food and any give away, like the miniature Rizzo platinum glove.
     Plenty of time.
     Unless you sit outside West Chicago for 30 minutes or so.
     Time becomes and issue.
     We arrived 30 minutes late and went for the Red Line.  We passed a Brown Line station, Linda and Dan, you know the one, opting for the faster, more direct Red Line.
     Now the Red Line trains run every 3-6 minutes.
     Plenty of time.
     Unless you wait 10 minutes....or 12 minutes for a train, and when it arrives it is so packed no one can get on.....and there were a lot of people waiting to get on!
     The next train was 12 minutes behind....but there were more people now than before, so we opted to transfer to the Brown Line, which was just a short walk away.
     It is now about 12:10, plenty of time to take the slower Brown Line to Belmont, then get off and walk four blocks to the park.
     Plenty of time.
     Unless the bridge over the Chicago River is stuck up and the Brown Line is now just making a circle in the Loop with a suggestion that riders exit at the next stop and take a Red Line north.
     But wait!!  There's hope!!
     Another announcement comes that a shuttle bus will take us over the river to a Brown Line stop where we will be whisked away.
    It' now 12:30.  Not enough time to get the food discount, but possibly still time to get a Rizzo miniature platinum glove.
     Or not, because the Brown Line is slower.  When it gets to Belmont there is a nearly empty Red Line train, so we hope off one and onto another.
     Plenty of time.
     And we did make it in time to watch first pitch on a screen.  No platinum gloves, no food discount.
     When I did go to get a sausage and fries, they were out of sausages and I had to wait, again!
     Then the Cubs lost.
     No waving the W.  No singing Go Cubs Go.  Dead guy doing the stretch.
     But, a day at the park is priceless.....I love going.
     We did catch a Brown Line back downtown in plenty of time to catch the express from Chicago toward a small victory.
     At least I was still dressed.  Count that as a blessing.

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