Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Not much to report today

     Darn near killed a lady.
     I had to get in a cabinet.  There is a screen hiding the cabinet from the public.  A ladder was leaning on the cabinet.
     I moved the ladder, got the stuff, and knowing I would have to put stuff away, I did not move the ladder back, just leaned it against another cabinet.
     This was an extension ladder, maybe 16 foot, or two 8 foot sections.  Or smaller.
     I closed the screen.
     Five minutes later I had to get an extension cord.
     As I was going toward the cabinet, a lady was heading to a closet on the opposite side of the hallway.
     We chatted, I moved the screen and it caught on the leg of the ladder, causing the ladder to tilt backward and come crashing to the ground with a thud, scaring the crap out of the girl and me.
     It missed her by inches.
     I felt awful and thankful.
     And I put the ladder in a better position.
    Funny, life can change so quickly.  What you think is something easy and care free can end up just the opposite.
     What to do?
     Look both ways before crossing and take your vitamin D.

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