Thursday, June 29, 2017

saved by the bell

I have always been curious about our dog

   We adopted Corki through a group out of Fulton, Il.  I don't remember the name and am too lazy to look it up.
   Anyway, they told us Corki was about 5 when we got her, or 4 and a half. But there was not much other information except shot records from a clinic in Selma, Alabama.
   September marks 2 years Corki has been with us.  She is potty trained, knows how to tell us she needs to go out, doesn't bark a lot inside the house, and is a great dog.  OK, she is not very good with other dogs, but she got along fine with Todd's dogs after a couple of walks.
   I was always curious about her background.
   Was she kidnapped and brought north so someone (us) would pay an adoption fee to the kidnappers?
   Were her owners elderly and forced into a nursing home?
   Was she a run away?
   Did her owners die?
   Did they just get tired of her and let her loose?
   You get the drift.  If only she could talk.
   A couple of days ago I finally decided to do some digging.  I e-mailed the clinic in Selma that tended to her for the adoption agency.
   They said Corki was rescued from a "total kill shelter" in Selma, brought to them, treated and turned over to another rescue group.
   It just blows my mind that this sweet little girl could have ended up dead, for no reason other than no one wanted her.
   Well, Jackie and I wanted her.
   And as much tail wagging as Corki does, I think she is glad we got her.
   Moral of the story:  Adopt when possible.
   A final word from Corki:  Woof, woof, grrroof, snort.
   I wish dogs could talk.

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