Friday, June 16, 2017


I saw something weird on the tollway today

     I was approaching the toll plaza near DeKalb, in the right lane.  A semi was in front of me.
     Knowing the solid white line means do not pass, I waited until we cleared the plaza and then pulled out to pass.
     I noticed lots of dead tire pieces on the road and swerved to avoid one.
     But then I saw .........   seriously, building suspense.
     A suitcase and a backpack!
     Sitting right on the line dividing the left lane from the right.
     Semi moved to the right, I moved to the left, and the bag and suitcase were left undamaged by us.
     How do you lose luggage and not know it?
     I mean, it was as if someone stood them up on purpose.
     I thought of stopping, but when you are doing 70 with traffic next to you and behind you, it makes it tough to pull over.
     I don't think I was as surprised as the people who lost it will be when they check into a hotel tonight and find their underwear gone.
     And if they realized they lost it, they would have to get off in DeKalb, drive back to Rochelle, get off there, and then go back toward the toll plaza.  That is, if they realized they lost it there.
     Hopefully some kind person picked it up and there was an id tag on it.
     I would have returned it, unless the bags were packed with money.  Oh heck, I would have returned it then too. Just the kind of guy I am.
     It's almost 10:30 and the weather alert is blaring....going to be a long night.

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