Sunday, June 4, 2017

lost and found

I am such a ditz

    I borrowed a little camera from Emily.  This was about four years ago.   Anyway, I used it last year in Cuba and maybe a time or two since then.
    Since I am going to the game tomorrow, thought I would take it with.
    Looked on the shelf with camera stuff.  Not there.  I did find two broke cameras, which I should get rid of.  Electronics recycling?  Take it to a camera store?  Oh, well.
    Looked in the bag with camera stuff.  Bag empty.  Huh.
    Looked on the shelf above, below and through the stuff on the shelf.  That includes the Chicago Cubs bobble heads, baseball cards, magazines, and other neat shtuff.  Not there.
    So I message Emily and John , asking if I returned it to them.
    John said it was on the desk because I downloaded pictures.
    I said to Jackie, it is not on the desk.  I know.  I would have seen it.  I have not used it in  months.
    Looked back on the shelf, in the bags, on the floor.
    Then I looked on the desk.
    Bingo.  In plain sight.  Next to the phone.
    That was 40 minutes of my life I will never get back.
    By the way, any idea where the cord to charge it is????

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