Monday, June 12, 2017

the farmer in the dell, the farmer....

I worked in my gardens today

     Weeded all the plants, dead headed the zing roses, pulled leaves off the coral bells.
     It was hot.
     I don't understand plants.
     I have 3 caramel coral bells, all in the same area.  They get the same amount of moisture.  They get the same amount of sun.  They all get treated equally.
     One of them is doing great, one looks like it is almost dead and one is small, but ok.
     Why??  Why don't they all grow the same?
     And why does one area of my garden get thistle like crazy?  Dozens of them.  I dig them out, they come back.
     Where did my New England asters go?  I seem to be missing one. Or two.  Maybe three...I can't tell.
     I picked strawberries today.  Got 10 of the little buggers.  10.  I don't know if the birds are getting them or if they are just not producing.
     I planted cucumbers two weeks ago.  5 seeds to a hill.  Three hills.  I saw two plants.  2.  So I replanted them.
     One row of peas is almost empty.  I replanted them.
     And I got confused on where I put beans.  I have Italian beans and bush beans, but I don't remember which is which.  Both plantings had huge holes.  So I planted beans, but I may have put the Italians with the bush or vice versa.  Time will tell.
    It was hot.  And sunny, which made it hotter.
    I was hot.  I actually started hallucinating about flying saucers, aliens and Angelina Jolie riding a tandem bicycle with me while juggling apple pies instead of steering.
     Hopefully I will get a lot of produce to eat and preserve.  Last year we froze lots of beans and carrots, but we used them all by winter's end.
    And maybe an apple pie too.
    Jackie was out and saw this and said, "When did we get that? It's neat!"
    So, thank you Nadine!!
Honestly, who is better looking?

Goat tacos at Wrigley from Girl and the Goat.  Small, but tasty

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