Sunday, June 11, 2017

when I woke up this morning

Today was day 2 of the MS Tour de Farms

     My friend Carrie rode 35 miles yesterday while John and I did 15....and that was hard.
     So when Carrie said, "What time tomorrow are you riding?" I told her I wasn't.
     But she did, and rode another 35 mile loop.
     I got to thinking about it, and when I hopped out of bed, decided I was going to ride.  Just not in DeKalb.
     So I did a little ride in the neighborhood, finishing with a 10 mile loop.  I did not feel too bad.  I figured I was still doing a bike ride, it was Tour de Farms Sunday, I still had my registration number on.... so I could have just been considered a rider a little off track.
     Honestly, the 10 miles was hard, especially the last mile.  When I rode 15 on Saturday we took a little break, drinking water, having a healthy snack, resting.  I did not do that and I think that is why I have such a hard time passing the 10 mile mark.
     Maybe I need to bring a little snack with so I can take a 15 minute break every 7 miles or so.
     Supper was late and lunch was skipped, so I thought I would make sweet potatoes to go with my salmon and Jackie's hamburger.  I went to the store and saw a huge bin of sweet potatoes marked 79 cents.  I could have bought one large one, but I opted for two small ones.
     I figured the price of 79 cents was per pound, so I was a little surprised when they rang up 79 cents each!  I could have save 79 cents by buying one big one instead of two smalls.
     Lesson learned.
     Hopefully I can work in the gardens tomorrow...gotta pull weeds and do a little planting.  But I hate working in the heat and heaven knows I can't get up and going before 10.
     It's gonna be hot tomorrow!!  Maybe the Cubs will be even hotter in New York!

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