Wednesday, March 1, 2017

rather be California dreamin

I had a terrible night

   First off, you all know I am a little skittish about storms.  Have been my whole life.  Growing up in Chicago, we did not have storms like out here in the hinterlands.  Flooded streets, yes.  Flooded basements, yes.  But wind that carries garbage cans down the road as if they were Styrofoam cups, no.
   I know the cuckoo chirped 12, then 12:30....then one.
  When I finally drifted off, I had a dream about a .... surprise...tornado!  I can't get Jackie downstairs, so we climbed into the bathtub.  But the bathtub is a shower combo unit, and in my dream we soared through the air, like a pirate ship out of Peter Pan.  It was the three of us huddled in the tub...Jackie, Corki and me.  I woke up.
   I drifted off again and  had a dream that I was in a cavalry unit under attack in the old west.  We dug a trench to bury our dead, and they floated past me, eyes open....tongues distended.... faces all wrinkles and shriveled.
    Sometimes I have multiple dreams on the same subject.  That, plus a 68 year old prostate, often causes me to wake up and wander the house.
   When I fell back asleep again act II of the dream ensued and our enemies were stealing our pick up trucks.  I was the last one of our group to be alive.  Just then, the prostate kicked in again.
   It was around 3.  At least that is when I double checked all the doors and damn near had a heart attack when I saw my reflection in the front door glass.
    I heard the cuckoo at four....but then I fell asleep, until the alarm went off at 7:30.
   I get very grouchy and impatient when I am tired.  I told Jackie basically to stay out of my way and not to talk to me.
    Friends were coming over for some wine and conversation, but I had to cancel and reschedule.  I took a two hour nap, and awoke with a splitting headache.
   So, now I am tired, but not sleepy.  I have had a glass, or two, of wine and am ready to read a little before bedtime.
   I just hope for some peace during the night.

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