Monday, March 20, 2017

I am tired of being skipped

Forbes magazine just amazed me

     Actually I don't read Forbes, but the Trib had an article about Forbes' annual richest people poll.
     How many billionaires do you think live in Illinois?  People with a net worth of $1 billion or more?
     I will give you a few seconds to ponder.
    Ok...ready with an answer?
   10?  Not so.  Remember a billion is a lot of money.
   14?  Getting close.  $1,000,000,000.
   16?   Ding, ding, ding!
   Sixteen billionaires live in Illinois.  Two of them are running for governor and I think one is governor, so much for understanding the needs of the common people.  Maybe the three of them could must each chip in a couple of billion and solve the state's budget woes.
    I think 5 billionaires were in one family.  The hotel business must pay very well!  A sixth member of the family wasn't counted because she recently lived in Washington D.C.
    I just can't fathom that much money.
    Quick math.  If I spent $1 million a day, how many days would it take to spend a billion?  Let's see...1,000,000 times 10 is10.000,000......10,000,000 x 10 is 100,000,000... a lot, but still not a billion.  100 days so far.  so 100,000,000 times 10 is 1,000,000,000.
     1,000 days of spending a million a day.
     I could live a life like that.
     Hell, I would take one day of that!  Give me a couple of hours, even.
     I know they live differently than us.  They don't have car loans, mortgages, credit card balances, school loans or worries about paying for medication.
     They are very different from us.  Almost like an alien species.
     Thank heavens there are only 16!
     Now, I think I'll go buy a hotel and start earning my fortune.

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