Wednesday, March 22, 2017

a little help here???

Sometimes I am just to damn smart

   When we put an invisible fence for Corki,  I was talking to the guy installing it about what not to do around the fence.  For example:  No digging.  And especially no aerating the yard.
   Well, I aerate the yard annually.  So I asked for advice.
   He suggested I get yellow tent stakes and pound them in the ground, following the trail of the underground fence.   When it comes time to aerate, spray paint a line connecting the stakes and then stay at least a foot away from the line.
   Great idea.
   I bought out yellow tent stakes at Big R.  Six stakes to a pack, I bought 6 packs.  Then I bought 10 more.  When they got more in, I bought another 10.
   I pounded stakes in the ground about every 5 feet, and on corners I put stakes on each side of the curved line.
   I spent a fortune on yellow tent stakes, but I figured it would be worth it when I go to aerate the yard.
   I was out looking around today and of the 156 tent stakes, I found two.  One in the front of the house and one in the back.
   Where the hell are the rest?
   I figure I have three ways to find the wire before I aerate.
   Get down on my hands and knees and comb the yard looking for tent stakes and avoiding dog poo and deer pellets.
   Or, find someone with a wire locator like the JULIE people use... I wonder if a metal detector would work?
   Or, put on the shock collar and walk around the yard until 22,467 volts of electricity shoot through my body, causing me to wet myself while simultaneously curling all my body hair.  But I would find the fence.
   If anyone would like to volunteer to help, just give me a call.
   I figure for the first option I will crack open a bottle of red and make it a picnic.
   But if you are a masochist, and want to do the third option, be my guest.
   On a separate note, I got a newsletter in the mail today.
   Here it is.

I thought the little We Care message was especially touching.

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