Friday, March 17, 2017

it's a sale

I love the retail world

   Seriously. There are some truck ads on tv that advertise thousands of dollars in savings and I think:  Pity the poor schmuck who bought before the sale.  He paid thousands he wouldn't have to pay if he waited.
   What brings this mini rant on?  I bought a new jacket today.  I have a winter one, an almost winter one, and a raincoat.  I don't have one for the 45-60 degree days.
    I walked into the store and my animal magnetism immediately went to work.  A young thing came over to me and asked how I was, and  said if I needed any thing, to just ask.  I swear she said "anything" in a overly sexy voice.  Or she could have had a cold.
    Now all sorts of things flashed through me mind, until she said the magic words I long to hear.  "Everything in the store is 40 percent off."
    Which started me thinking, if they can knock off 40 percent today, then why not just make the coat less expensive to start with?  Why do they make us jump through hoops and hope we hit the right day for a sale?
   I also went to another store and looked for a cheese slicer.  The one I got at the bargain box store is crappy.  So I thought I would get a new one.
   Unfortunately, this was not on sale.  It was $39.95 and was on a blended wood/marble base.  It looked very nice, especially when I was walking away empty handed.
   And how come I never get the food they show on tv?  You know, that bucket of chicken so full it's over flowing.  Or the burger on the fluffy bun that is dripping juice.
   Or the little cherry pie in a box.
   Look at this.

      The picture is not anything like the product.
      But I still buy them.  Bob, I just call them cherry pies....
      I just wish it was full of round cherries, like the picture shows.
      Product packaging and advertising.....2 things not to believe.

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