Wednesday, March 15, 2017

the doctor will see you now

I took Corki to the vet today

   Our little girl has been doing the boot scoot boogie lately.  It is allergies, mainly.  So now we have to give her a little antihistamine a couple of times a day.
    We also got some huge treats that have fish oil, which should reduce the allergy issue.
    Corki came from Alabama, so maybe there is something up here she just doesn't tolerate.... like me, or grass, or snow, or her food.
    Otherwise she is in fine shape.  I realized today she does not need a vet, she needs a psychologist.
    For example, up until Julia came home Corki was quite content to eat in the morning and in the early evening.
    Since Christmas she has decided not to eat some days, or to eat breakfast at dinner time.
    And yes, they are different.  She gets green beans at breakfast, and beans and carrots at supper.
    There have been a couple of days where she doesn't eat at all.
    As an experiment one day, I took a bag of something and pretended to sprinkle it over her food.  She ate right away.
    I cooked carrots the other night and put two slices in her bowl....ate right away.
    Same thing happened with our Italian beans....had two left in the pan and put them in her bowl, ate right away.
    I now think she thinks she eats people food like Jackie and me.  So if we don't put something on her food, it's only dog food, not people food.
    Now we pretend to put extra people food in her bowl, and she almost always eats right away.
    She has us trained.
    At night she goes out front and stands on the sidewalk and barks like crazy.  I go out and stand there and she immediately gets quiet and goes about the reason for going out.
    Again, she has us trained.
    On second thought, maybe Corkie doesn't need the psychologist at all.
    But we do.

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