Monday, March 6, 2017

and now, a commercial

I am riding in the Tour de Farms 

   This is a fund raising event for the MS Society.  This year's ride is June 10 and 11, but I only ride June 10.  I generally ride 15 miles, which for an old guy like me is enough.
   This year George Hincapie will be riding with us!
   Hincapie has ridden in 14 Tour de France races.  I always enjoyed watching his huge frame pedal.  His knees almost touch to cut down on wind resistance.  Tour riders have to be the world's greatest athletes.
   We have a team, Jackies Jokers.  (Notice, no apostrophe in Jackies.  Don't call it improper grammar, call it poor proofreading and an unwillingness to fix it.
   Anyway, two friends, Carrie and John D., are joining me on this year's ride.
   This is a fund raiser.  Each of us needs to raise $300.  While that sounds like a lot, last year my two person team raised $1,200!
   You know Jackie has MS. She has had it since Emily was in college.  The disease is progressive....meaning it gets worst.  For example, in 2012 we went to visit Julia and toured in Paris and Milan.  In 2014 she fell in the kitchen and went to using a walker around the house.  Now, she can walk about 50 feet before she just can't go.  It drains her.
   There is no cure for MS.  When she was diagnosed, one of our friends predicted there would be a cure within years.  20 years has passed, and nothing.
   Yes, there have been advances in medications that slow the progression.  But nothing has been proven to reduce the symptoms or restore the movement.    Maybe cell therapy will be the answer.
   It takes money to fund the research.  That's what the ride does, it raises money.
   The goal this year is $1.7 million.  That seems a lot, but there are 1,700 riders that will take part.
   If you would like to sponsor one of us, here is the web site:

   Jackie will be grateful for your support.

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