Thursday, March 9, 2017

bone dry

I can't think of anything to write

   I could mention how I seem to have changed my work processing set up so I can't change type size or fonts.  I do not know how I did that, just that I did.
   I could mention I have no idea what kinds of ads are on this blog.  Are there ads?  What do they sell?
   I could mention I am the announcer for the St. Patrick's Day parade Saturday.   It could be 30 and rainy, or snowy, but I will be there.  Frozen, and not the movie.
   I could mention my Swiss daughter is going on vacation and we won't hear from her for three weeks.  That does bum me out.
   I could mention almost 71,000 views for the entire time I have been doing this.  You people amaze me in that you are willing to read my strange thoughts.
   I could mention France is number two in where the readers are.  Brazil is fourth.  Brazil.  Maybe it's Heather.
   I could mention I have developed a fondness for RumChatta and having a little sniffer or two before bedtime makes me very drowsy.
   Very.  So, Goodnight.

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