Sunday, March 5, 2017

a new house ahead?

I am thinking of buying another house

   Jackie wants nothing to do with my plan, and in fact said I was crazy.
We'll see.
   I want to by Le Grand Reve in Winnetka.  It is a house built in 2008, and features 27,000 square feet, including six full bathrooms, six partial baths and six bedrooms.
   My plan is to find five other couples who would chip in to pay for the place.  Six of us, six bedrooms, it's a match.  Communal living.
   There is even a pool.
   The house has now been reduced to $11.9 million, a far better deal than the $36 million construction cost.  It has been on the market for a while, so I am sure they will accept a reasonable offer.
   People willing to go in with me have to agree that we will hire a chef to prepare a nightly meal, hire a cleaning staff, and chip in to pay the $300,000 per year tax bill.
   The listing agent is quoted in the Tribune as saying, "It's the best built house in the Midwest."  It better be.
   The only drawback I see is that there is no lake view.  It does sit on two acres, or what is left of two acres after you put in a driveway or two and a huge house.  And pool.
   We can probably do the yard work ourselves.
   So, if you are interested, please send a certified check for at least $1.5 million to me ASAP and I will put in an offer.
   Or buy a one way ticket to Brazil.
   Trust me.  I will make the right choice.
   And if you are interested in where you will be living, Google it.
   Then puzzle over this question:  What the hell were they thinking??

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