Friday, March 3, 2017

it's really not normal and it is a problem

I think I am slowly (?) going insane

   Usually I can list the things that scare me and wake me up from a dead sleep as fairly normal:  burglars, tornadoes, road rage, Jackie with any type of weapon, bears.
   But I have reached a new low.
   Last night I had a nightmare...again.  We were running out of oxygen and I had to swim through an underwater cave and pull the tail of a giant eel to restore Earth's oxygen levels.
   That was not the scary part.
    After swimming through the cave, pulling the tail, and getting out of the water, I had to walk back to somewhere.
   That was not the scary part.
   As I went down one embankment and headed toward the uphill side, an alligator crawled out of the weeds.  Then another.  Then another.  I was surrounded by alligators.
   That was not the scary part.
    As I scrambled up the embankment, they gave chase.  I was barely inches ahead of them when I hit the road.  As I ran down the road I could hear the clumptity clumpity, clump, clump, swish of their legs and tail as they actually gained on me!
   Ok, that was the scary part.  And at 3:15, I was convinced the alligators were catching me, at lease convinced enough to awaken.  So I checked the doors and went back to bed.  I heard the cuckoo at 3:30, 4, 4:30 and maybe 5 before I finally fell asleep.  My mind was it was on speed.  I could not stay focused on anything.  I would center on a happy place and bingo....I was far from it.
   I was at one of my favorite places today, but even the thought of that could not put me back to sleep this morning.
   I was helping a little girl who needed a hot glue gun.  I told her I would help her and her three friends because we have to be extra careful.
   Then I burned a hole in my arm.
   Seriously!!  I can look all the way through my arm.  That damn thing was hot!  My arm whistles when I walk because the air rushes through the hole!!
   Or maybe it's a puncture wood from a gator.  Could be either one.
   So tonight I am not going to bed at all.  That way I won't have another nightmare.
    Good plan, huh?



  1. Im without Words right Now But Thats OutRageous Brother Terry !! HaahhahahahhahhahahahhahhahLoL!Have a GoOd Night Brother !!! ahahahh ..Not the Scary Part ..hahahahhahha ..and Thats Not the Scary part...hahahh Hole in the arm whistling Ohhhh thats FuNny,Well GoOd Night again and Hope You get some Sleep Brother Terry!!! alligators hahahah !! You will be fine Bro!

    1. Thanks Agiustin...those gators run pretty fast, at least in my dreams
