Sunday, March 12, 2017

it's about time

I did almost nothing again today

   But I have been busy the last few days.
   For instance, I finally cut my talons.  I mean toenails.
   I know, TMI, but my belly gets in the way when I try to bend over to cut them.  And sitting and trimming them is hard on my knees.
   I need to start getting pedicures.
   At least my shoes are not too tight anymore.
   I changed a light bulb.  Don't laugh, it isn't easy.  I put an LED bulb in our bathroom fan fixture.  The old one burned out Thursday.
   I also put the pull chains back on the ceiling lamp/fan combo.  Those little chain things that snap into place, well they were not snapping for me.  It took me forever to put them together.
   And I put my egress window well cover back on.  I don't know why, but when we get 50 mph winds it tends to blow off.  Someday it will go away and I will never find it.  Hopefully it is on tightly this time.  I honestly think a couple of the clamps were damaged when the last strong winds took it off.
   And all the clocks are close to the right time.  The little desk clock.....this is weird.  I tried resetting it half and hour ago and it would not change.  I just looked at it and it is right.  A ghost?
   And yes, I did awaken with a start last night.  I was sleeping in my chair when a very sweet smell awakened me.  I swear someone was walking down the hallway toward me, but Jackie was sound asleep and so was Corki.
   Once again, my crazy imagination kicked in.
   But just in case, I am not going to sleep tonight.

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