Monday, March 27, 2017

abra cadabra

I seem to be a magician, somewhat

   I make things disappear.
   And I am not just talking about food in front of me, although chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, and any combination of the above are prone to go very quickly if they are within arm's reach.
   No, I am just talking about stuff.
   I have been scanning some pictures for a history walk.
   (Commercial:  I am leading a history walk through downtown Rochelle.  The walks will be on the "Second Friday" nights, starting at 5:30.  The walk will take about 45 minutes if I don't blab too much.  There is walking involved, hence the term history walk.  At the end of the walk, a donation bucket will be passed around.  All donations go to the museum.  I don't know what to expect.  First walk is May 12.)
    I went to print the pictures and half of them are gone.  Disappeared.  No where.
   What's worse, I returned the pictures to the museum, so now I have to go dig out the ones I did scan but can't find.
   In July Dan and I are doing a program for the retired teachers on our trip to Cuba last year.  I think we are doing a talk for another group, but that information has....wait for it....disappeared!
   I am putting together a slide show and wanted to include three specific pictures I know I took.
   I can't find them.  They are not in the photos section.  Pictures from the same place are there, but the specific ones I want are not.
   They disappeared.
   The receipt for the book I ordered three weeks ago that is being shipped within 3-5 days.....disappeared.  The receipt would have told me which Amazon supplier I actually used so I could contact them and say my book has not arrived.  Disappeared.
    For all I know, the book  may have arrived and ..... disappeared.
    My Bears hat.   Disappeared.
    My will to work around the house.   Disappeared.
    I am thinking of taking my act to Broadway.  Not the one in New York, but the one in Rockford.  Maybe I could be a street performer who specializes in disappearing acts.
    One thing that is not disappearing is my frustration with electronics.  That seems to not fade away.
    But then again, neither does my waistline.

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