Tuesday, March 14, 2017


I need to try to get organized....again

   I have a habit......59 years in creating....of writing down notes on any kind of paper I can find.
   Now 59 years is an estimate....I would have been almost 10 then, but I can see me writing stuff down on notebook paper.
   (For those of us of a certain age, paper was once commonly used in school to do assignments on and to practice penmanship, which in my day consisted of learning how to write cursive using an ink pen.  I always favored peacock blue ink and I can remember refilling the pen in days before ink cartridges came out. I actually have an eighth grade assignment floating around that is done in cursive, in peacock blue ink.  That is one of the things I just can't throw out, but I wonder why I save it.)
   Now I write stuff down on anything:  napkins, scraps of paper, newspapers, notebooks; you name it.
   Because I reuse as much as possible, I have a stack of paper that was printed on one side and is mostly blank on the other.  I cut it in half and clip it together to write notes on when I am at the computer, reading, thinking....or whatever.
   But I can not keep track of the ones not on that pad.  Just yesterday I found a note for Emily that I had put on the desk and lost.  Luckily Emily had ESP and did what I needed.
   I had a note that said:  Sunny side up.  I wrote it.  It's on my official write it down and lay it on the desk paper.  I have no clue what it meant.
   So I Googled it.  Eggs?  No.  A restaurant?  No.  A graphic novel?  Hey, that sounds possible cause Rotary had a program on the reading challenge and graphic novels were mentioned.  And it is a graphic novel.  Amazon had it on preview.  I read a lot of it and the preview ended.  Now I want to get the book and find out what happens.  Sneaky Amazon marketers.
   (Graphic novels are like comic books.  They are not sexually suggestive.  Usually they are children's books, but there are some really good ones for teens and even adults.  Graphic.  No pornographic or phonographic.)
   So answer this.
   What the hell good is writing stuff down if I:  A: can't find it.  B:  can't understand it.  C:  can't read my own writing.
   Then it hits me.  I am almost 69.  I am not going to change.  I will continue to write stuff down on slips of paper, lose them, misplace them, not understand them, forget about them.....and in the end, it really won't make much of a difference, will it?
   So Emily and Julia....when the time comes, just recycle all the piles you find on the desk.  It will be easier for all of us.

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