Thursday, March 2, 2017

oh, where to start

It's hard to avoid the political scene

    I may have even offended someone Tuesday.  This person said they liked my newspaper column about our representative not meeting with the people.  Then the person said, "I disagree about one thing.  A lot of those protesters are being paid to be there.  They bring them in by the busloads."
    I was floored.
   And maybe a little snarly I said, paraphrased, are you nuts?  The people are protesting because they are tired of their representatives not doing their job...which is representing the people.  I went to a meeting and I was not paid, and neither was anybody else.  I may have said it a with a little edge in it, and the person I was talking to seemed offended.
   So enough about politics.
   I went to the speech team banquet tonight and I got a Participation Award!!
   Well, it was an award for always asking if anyone needed to practice their piece in front of a live person, that being me.
    I know I knock high schoolers a lot.  They tend to be unfocused, maybe a little needy and smart alecky, and damn it, they are young.
   I truly enjoyed working with the kids at the high school.  They were all very respectful toward the old man, but more importantly, they were respectful to each other.  They acted like a family...a big, diverse, slightly crazy family.
   They were fun to hang around with.
   So, the question was asked, are you interested in doing this next year.......and my answer was, let's wait.
   If I do it, I'll have to get hearing aids.  Just sayin.
   And an urban dictionary so I can understand what they are saying, when I actually hear them.
   But next fall is so far off.....

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