Friday, March 10, 2017


I had a mental lapse, or two, today

   I need a new lint trap in my dryer because the current one is breaking.
   So I called an appliance repair company to ask if they had replacements.
   This company has numbers for several towns, and I found the Rochelle one and called it.
   I have often said, you know you live in a small town when you dial the wrong number and still talk for 5 minutes.
   The number I dialed wasn't even close, but I talked to my friend for a few minutes anyway.
   After I hung up, I checked the numbers.  It seemed I dialed the Rochelle 562, but the last four numbers were for another town.  Oops.
   They didn't have the part.
   Now I can order it from the manufacturer, but there is a $30 shipping charge!  I eventually found a place to order one in Rockford.
    I just didn't think after four years I would need a new filter, but I do.
   Tomorrow it is supposed to be cold.  I am announcing the St. Patrick's Day parade in Rochelle.
   I will be wearing long underwear and carrying a thermos of hot tea to keep me warm.
   At least it is not raining.  Or snowing.  I guess that's Sunday.

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