Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Is it over?

What a terrifying night

   And no, that is not a comment on the speech given tonight.  I actually thought the speech was pretty good.  No details, of course, but all the things that people want.  Affordable health care, jobs, safe streets, great schools.  All things we want, and wanted for the past 8 years.   That's what makes me laugh.  Now the other party wants everyone to cooperate.  Whatever happened to the I will do everything in my power to make this man fail philosophy?  Shoes on the other foot, and it is not a good fit.
    I was referring to the weather.
    We have a new weather radio, and once I finally figured out how to turn it on, discovered it works really well.  Of course the tone is about the noise level of the storm sirens, but I eventually turned that down to a more acceptable level.
    We get reports from Ogle, Lee, DeKalb, Whiteside and a couple of other counties west and south of us, figuring most storms move from the south to the east and north.
    We did not go to the basement, and truthfully I don't know how I would get someone down there before the house ended up in Michigan.  So now we are going to head to the bathroom with a tub.  I'm telling people that just in case.
    I am storm crazy.  I get nervous.  I pace.  I look out the windows and doors.  I turn on the weather channel.  I listen to the alarm.  I pace.  And I nibble.
I may have even eaten a piece of cardboard tonight, thought it was a graham cracker, but I'm not sure.
   Anyway, all's well that ends well.  And it has ended up well here.  My heart goes out to the people in Ottawa tonight, they seem to have taken a hit from the storm.
    Hopefully the rest of the night, and spring, will be so quiet my radio won't have to make a sound.

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