Saturday, March 4, 2017

no more complaints about sleep

Well, I just have one complaint

   Third night in a row I have not slept well.  Storms, nightmares, maybe too much caffeine Friday.....but tonight, I will not have that problem.
   To demonstrate how my life goes....has anyone else nearly sliced off their thumb taking out wax paper?
   That damn little metal thing is sharp.  Maybe sliced off my thumb is a bit of an overstatement, but it sure hurt.  And because I am on a blood thinner to reduce the risk of blood clots, stroke, and who knows what else, any scratch draws blood for at least 7 hours.
   I have watched two movies this weekend.  Jackie and I watched Sully last night and decided we are never flying again.  I will take a boat to see Julia.  Yes, I know it's longer, and boats do sink.....but darn that movie rattled me!
   Tonight I watched Papa Hemingway in Cuba.  It was on the recent release rack at the video store and it was $1, so it seemed like a good deal.
   I felt like I was back in Havana!
   As you may remember,  my friend Dan and I were there about one year ago.
   The movie had scenes at Hotel Nacional, the airport, Papa's house, along the Malecon, Hotel Ambos Mundos, and at Floridita.  We were at all those places!
   Watching the actors walk from his house to his pool was very neat, because we walked those same paths!
   The movie was released last year.
   The film brought back a lot of memories for me.  But it was also disturbing because Hemingway was going through a dark time.  Unable to write, depressed, being harassed by the US government with the help of Batista's agents, having friends killed by government forces...... Papa was having a very dark time.
   The movie was based on true events.  It ended with the wrap up of characters, including Hemingway's suicide in Idaho just 19 months later.
   I guess he could not escape his demons, despite his greatness as a writer.
   In one scene he asked a character to write a number between one and 10.  6 was picked.
   Hemingway then wrote a six word story:  For sale, baby shoes.  Never worn.
   It was a good film.
   Hopefully, it will help me sleep!!

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