Saturday, March 25, 2017

how hard is it?

Sometimes I just get baffled

   A couple of weeks ago I wrote about our dryer lint trap.  In case you don't remember, the part is $27 but the shipping was $30.  So I ordered it through an electronics part place in Rockford.
   We had things to do in Rockford Friday, so I picked up the part.  As soon as the man gave it to me I said, "This does not look right.  It's the wrong shape."  He said bring the old one in and they will order it, and I can return the wrong one.
   Well, I took the wrong one home just to be sure.
   Now, I have had this dryer for 4 years.  I empty the dryer lint trap at least 3 times a week, so .... quick math.... 3 x 52 is 156 x 4 years is 624 times, at least, I have handled this lint dryer so I damn well know the shape, and this new filter is not the right shape.
   Except it was.  I just never noticed it before.
   Now I wonder what else I have not noticed.
   Is my microwave really a camera?
   Does my tv actually spy on me?
   What color is the basement bathroom?
   Are the pictures hanging in my house all crooked, or just some of them?
  OMG, I belly is humongous.  That I notice.
  The lesson for today is:  Pay attention.
   Life might surprise you.  It sure does me.

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