Thursday, March 23, 2017

let it pass

TV is driving my crazy

   I watch things and I think, that is really not right.
   For instance, in a rerun of Big Bang, Leonard was in the shower with his girlfriend and the shower curtain was on the outside of the tub.  If there had been water running, it would be all over the floor.
   Did I mention I grew up in an older home in Chicago that had a tub?  My pops installed a shower and put up a curtain.  No one told me where the shower curtain should be.  Well, actually he did tell me when water dripped on his head downstairs.
   And as long as I am ragging on BBT, why don't they ever turn off lights?  They go into their apartment, lights on.  And sometimes they don't even unlock the doors.
   Another bug....when people are carrying "coffee" cups.  It is always so blatant the cups are empty.  Put something in them.
   And why when you watch a series does something happen to a main character but the next week all is well?  Could be a broken foot or a bullet to the gut.  Next episode, they don't limp or even wince when tickled.
   Ever notice in pop commercials they almost always drink out of a Coke bottle?  How often do you see Coke in bottles?
   Remember the driving instructor telling you to keep your eyes on the road?  Watching people drive on tv is amazing; they spend more time looking at the person in the seat next to them than the road, yet they never hit anything!  I can't even walk and look at a donut (sorry Kim...doughnut) without walking into a light pole.
   Every time I bring up one of these vastly important issues, someone reminds me it is only television and I should just sit back, watch and be quiet.
   Kind of like in a war movie, when all the shooting suddenly stops so we can hear the last words of the dying soldier.  Ok, that's another thing that bugs me.
   I'll be quiet now.

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