Friday, March 24, 2017

getting up early

I have to get up tomorrow

    Remember, I am retired so I usually get up about 8:45....or 9 .... or 9:30.
    But tomorrow I am getting up at 7:45.
    I am on museum duty from 11 to 4.
    Wait a minute.....I can sleep later than that if I don't have to be there until 11!!  I was thinking it was 10.
    Forget what I said.
    We have a staff shortage for the next couple of weekends, so board members take turns staffing the place.  What it means is I sit at a desk near the front door and read.  Or nap.  The museum tends to be a quiet place sometimes.
    I will be needing the extra time in bed.  Just watched the Wisconsin game and thought for sure they would win.  They tied it on a floating in the air shooting guard who hit a three pointer.  They lost in overtime when a Florida player hit a floating in the air three pointer.
    Pretty amazing game.
    But I may not be in position to sleep right away...pretty hepped up.
    We'll see how that goes.

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