Tuesday, March 21, 2017

diet? diet? I don't need no stinkin diet

That's it!!  I am officially the heaviest I have been

   I am a little embarrassed about it.  I can't seem to avoid the nibbles at night.  Night Nibbles.  Sounds like a pornographic rock group.
   Truth be told, it isn't easy during the day either.
   One problem is going to the zoo.  Well, not the zoo, but I found a real bakery on the way home.  Well, sort of on the way home.
   I usually get a loaf of potato bread.  And a coffee cake.  And some tea cookies.  And maybe some pastries.  And maybe a big molasses cookie or oatmeal raisin to munch on while I drink my coffee on the long drive home.
   All that munch, munch munch seems to be adding a bunch, bunch, bunch.
   I know that walking will help.  But three weeks ago I sort of stopped going with Todd...too wet, cold, windy, dry, calm, hot... a million and one excuses.
   Over the last few months I have ridden my indoor bike exerciser.  Once.  For three miles.  Then I had some cookies as a reward.
   I bought stuff for salads last week.  The lettuce looks a little wilted.  Maybe I should actually eat it.
  I have cut back on french fries....except for tonight when I had a beef/sausage sandwich from Portillo's following Jackie's doctor appointment.  And last Friday.  And last Wednesday.  Damn, I have no will power.
   But spring is a time of rebirth.  Awakening.  A new start.
   I just wish I was one of these highly motivated people who can reduce their food intake and increase their exercise routine.  Or in my case, start an exercise routine.
   I do think summer will help.  I can ride my bike, which I really enjoy, and that will be good for me.  As long as I don't reward every ride with cookies and a coffee someplace.
   So here's to a new start.  A new birth.  A new hope.  And maybe to losing a few pounds.

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