Monday, March 13, 2017

it's my fault

Credit, or blame, me for us missing the snow

   I went to the store yesterday and got food for a couple of days.
   I made sure I had gas for the snow blower.
   I turned the snow blower around and towards the door, so I could easily clear the driveway of the 3- 6 inch accumulation.
   I filled my bird feeders so my little winged friends would have food.
   I made sure my egress window cover was on so the well didn't fill up with snow and cause me to climb down into it and shovel it out, then not being able to easily get out cause I am old and feeble.
   I found my snowshoes.
   I put out my boots.
   I did everything that should be done before a major snow.
   That's why we did not get blasted.
   If I had not done anything, we would be buried under at least 72 inches of snow.
   You are welcome.

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