Wednesday, March 8, 2017


This was a weird day

   The wind, to start with.  It has been blowing so hard and so much this winter.
today seemed the worst of all.
   What would you do with a neighbor who has a bunch of landscape debris and straw blowing into your yard?  I would say that neighbor is a putz!
   On the plus side, I do have less straw to pull up from the strawberries.  I covered them last fall, but they are slowly being uncovered.
   When I walked Corki today, I found straw across the street and four houses down from our house.
   The plus is birds like it to  build nests.  And it does breakdown.  Probably those damn robins will use it to build nests on my front porch.  Have to get those pigeon spikes like Nadine has.....
   Another weird event:  We lost power for two hours.  Two!   If I had not been napping, it would have been a long afternoon.  But I fell asleep about 1 and woke up at 3 or so.  I guess I was tired.  Still have trouble keeping my eyes open.
   We have had several bad storms and kept power.  So, on a day when the sky is clear, the sun shining, the wind howling.....poof.  No power.  I hear 1,700 people were sans power around town.
   When I took Corki for our walk, I only made it half way.  The wind was just really chilling, and I knew we would be walking back into it.  But it did feel good to be outside.
   Croque monsieur for supper.  Well, not quite.   No ham.  But a grilled cheese tasted pretty good tonight, for some strange reason.  Is that a croque monsieur sans jambon?
   When the power came back on I did a Google search and found the rejected pilot for the Big Bang.  Jackie and I watched it and were not impressed by the original ideal.  At first, it was just Sheldon and Leonard with a girl named Kate and another named Angela..... and the show had a heavy sexually suggestive tone. Quite unlike what is on now.  But some of the lines for the rejected pilot were used in the accepted pilot.  Weird, but I guess you don't waste funny material.
   And tonight Johnny Carson's rerun had Robin Williams and Jonathan Winters.   That was a funny show.  Williams was indeed an insane performer.  Now they are all gone.
   Weird.  I don't hear the wind.
   Must be my imagination.

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