Saturday, March 11, 2017

wild day

This was a pretty neat day, almost

   I was the announcer for the Hooley parade in Rochelle.  I was great.  Best announcer ever.  Tremendous.  Nobody announced better than me.  Everybody thought I was the best ever.
   I just wish the guy who did it last year didn't keep trying to mess me up.
   Yes, it was on the cool side....but my long underwear kept me toasty warm.
   I even got to walk around after the parade.
   I was very impressed with the Irish dancers.  These two young girls had amazing footwork.  And they did leg kicks that I swear put their toes above their heads!
   The music and bagpiper were also great to listen to.
   I was pretty impressed by the whole shebang, you may have noticed.
   I missed last years even because I think I was in Cuba.  Hard to believe that has been a year already.
  We had planned to go out to eat tonight, but Jackie has been having some issues walking.
   We could not make it into the car, so we stayed home.  MK and Steve brought supper out to us, and we had a great time with with and Emily, John and Camryn.
   Now it's just a matter of waiting for the snow.
   4-6 inches?  Believe it when I shovel it.
   Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead
   when you finally go to bed
   'cause if you decide you are gonna' wait
   'till tomorrow for church you'll be late.
   Damn, I am good!

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