Saturday, March 18, 2017

where to start.....

I just have some very random thoughts today

   We went to see the VCCT show "A Few Good Men."  Damn fine production.   If you have not seen it, you should.
   Whenever I see a show I really like, I wish I had been in it.  This was one of those shows.
   But I also realize my age limits me in what roles are available.  I would not have fit in this cast.  Funny, I never expected to be the old man in the theater group.
   Sad news today about Chuck Berry.  My friend Dan and I went to St. Louis a few years ago and caught his show at Blueberry Hill.  He was 85 or 86, if I remember.  He did a great show, but he was 85 or 86.  Sometimes he forgot the words, sometimes he repeated himself.  He was 85 or 86 at the time.
    Pioneer.  That's what Berry was.  A pioneer in the rock and roll genre of music.  Yes, he had some problems.  But his guitar work and energy were amazing to experience when he was young.  And at 85 (or 86) he was still doing the duck walk.
    It really bothers me when someone in power says a program like Meals on Wheels has not proven to be effective.  Or public broadcasting doesn't deserve to be funded.  Or museums.  Or libraries.  Or after school programs.  Or school lunches for kids.  But a wall is effective.
   And when the military bombs a mosque, killing 40 or 50 worshippers, how effective is that in not creating more people who hate the US?
    The truth?  They can't handle the truth.  That's not the question.  The question is, how do we handle the lies.
   I guess watching a drama puts me in a somber mood.

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