Tuesday, March 7, 2017

change the channels

I am getting irritated at tv

   Take the commercials.  Please.  My current favorite one is the dad and boy sitting at a table and the kid asks, "Dad, are you going to die?"  The father then carefully explains to this six year old kid the technical workings of his current drugs.  Really.  He couldn't 't just say, "No, have some more pudding."
    And notice when people drink pop in commercials, it is almost always from a glass bottle.  Seriously?
    Why do people use little kids in commercials?  Yes, they may be cute but they always talk like the have marbles in their mouth.  Advertisers are spending lots of dollars to have a kid go, "so blah me fathama blah blah blah."  Just show the picture of the kid, don't let them talk.
    Why does tv after 11 have so many commercials for people who had hernia surgery (me) who received a mesh (me) that has proven to be defective and caused more problems than it solved?  (Not me, by the way.  But every time the commercial comes on I wonder.)
   Have you noticed that every product that is $19.95 comes with a second one for free, all you have to pay is shipping and handling?  And they are never available in stores.
    While I normally like Flo in the Progressive commercials, the Sponge Bob square insurance pants character is not funny, not entertaining, and not worth spending advertising dollars on.
   It's not just commercials.
   I just heard a promo for the hottest show on tv....it premieres tomorrow night.  How can it be a hot show if it has never been on?  Who said it was hot?
   I watch Modern Family, The Mick, Kimmy Schmidt....and I like the fact they do not have laugh tracks.  That has been bugging me lately about Big Bang....the laugh tracks seemed forced.  The show is funny.  Don't tell me when to laugh, let me decide on my own.
   Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.  I feel better.  Think I'll go open a bottle of pop, if I can find one.

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