Monday, October 31, 2016

a new record

We set a trick or treater record tonight

     We had 7.  Or six, I lost count with the first group.
     Last year we had something like.....0, or one.  I don't remember.
     I  do know that for several years we bought the full size Hershey bars to give out and I ended up eating them after Oct. 31.
     So this year I bought small packs of M and M and Payday....because I like both of them.  I figure if we have left overs, it should be something I like.
      Now stop that, I am not being selfish.   Jackie said don't buy stuff she likes cause she will only eat it.  Her words.  So I bought candy she does not like.
     The biggest surprise came when I turned on the Bears.  13-0, Bears winning.
     That won't last.
     But that's what happens when you have a QB that can throw farther than 8 yards...
     Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

where's the nerve pills

I just watched an exciting game 5

     What a game!  Cubs are not dead!!  On to Cleveland and a historical comeback series victory!!
     Back in Cleveland, our buddy Schwarber will be the DH, which will make for some interesting baseball.
     I still think they can win this!!
    When they do, you may not be able to celebrate with guacamole!  Seems there is an avocado shortage.
     Prices have almost doubled from 90 cents to $1.65, on the national average, over the last six months.  And the little green things can get even more pricier as they become more difficult to get.
     Climate change is one reason.  But the biggest reason seems to be us.  We consume an average of 5 pounds of avocados a year per person in the United States....more than triple from 5 years ago.
     So  as you plan your World Series victory parties, New Year's Eve celebrations and Super Bowl might want to have a back up.
     Back up.  That's what the Cubs are going to be in three days!!
     Go Cubs Go!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

who is that?

I love Halloween

     I was a volunteer at the zoo today and hundreds, no thousands, of kids of all ages were there in costume.
     One girl, she looked about 9 or 10, was dressed in this really neat outfit with a leather helmet, goggles, leather jacket, balloon type pants and boots.  Her mother was taking her picture and I asked her, "Is she Amelia Earhart?"
     Mom said yes.  The girl read a book about her for class and did a book report.      The little girl then decided to be Earhart for Halloween and researched her clothing, picking out everything herself.
     I swear, she was a spitting image for the aviator!  Only a lot younger.
    Another family was the Wizard of Oz , with mom the scarecrow, a little girl Dorothy, the was the tin man, but had to work today.
     There were just a variety of neat costumes.
     That is one of the things I miss about teaching, and living in a neighborhood with kids.  We don't get many trick or treaters.....last year I think I ended up eating all the candy.
     But darn it, those youngsters are cute!
     And it would be more fun answering the door than watching the Bears.

Friday, October 28, 2016

divorce, anyone?

Maybe I should file for divorce

     Don't get your shorts in an knot.  I'm not.
     But the guy who founded a cancer treatment empire is in the middle of a divorce case.  They are fighting over a living allowance for his wife.
     She wants $400,000.   A month.
     In court it was pointed out that during their 15 years of marriage, she grew accustomed to a life including travelling by private jet, collecting exotic birds, lavish parties and a house in the Virgin Islands with a full time staff.
     Therefore she was "entitled" to a sum of money that accommodated that lifestyle.
     Can you imagine $400,000 a month to live on?  That would have been about 10 years of my salary as a teacher.
     Now I am accustomed to travel by jet, granted it's economy class; lavish parties that involve Cheeze Whiz and crackers; a damn pigeon on my roof instead of exotic birds; and a house in Switzerland with a spare bedroom.
     (To clarify:  The house is not ours.  The spare bedroom is ours to use.  No staff.)
     (Further clarification:  There is a pigeon living on our roof.  I have chased him away, but he comes back.  Last night he scared the crap out of me because he was sitting on the edge up there, just staring at me when I took the dog out.  He, or she, is leaving a lot of poop up there!  Can I shoot it?)
     Hell, I should have married the guy.  I would love $400,000 to maintain my lifestyle.  And that amount is net, after taxes, not gross.
     Well, come to think of it, it is gross.
     Actually, on my lifestyle I could bank about $399, lifestyle isn't too lavish after all.
     But  I could easily pay for the new well pump we had to have installed today.   At least we have water.
     And that's worth at least a million a month to me.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

now, for something different

I have a hearing problem

     No doubt about it.  I don't hear well, sometimes.  Other times I hear just fine.  It depends on the pitch, the background, the speed of the speaker.
     Yesterday I was reading the Trib on line and I had a hum going through my head.  A persistent hum.
     I looked outside, didn't see anything but massive amounts of rain.
     I thought maybe a train was sitting on the tracks and that was what I was hearing.
     Last night, following the terrific Cubs victory over the Cleveland team, I went to the computer and heard the hum again.
     I went outside again, but nothing.  (Well, coyotes yipping again...I tell you John M., they are rooting for the Cubs!!  It is not a stretch!!)
     I went into the house and down into the basement.
     Nothing in the furnace room.
     But in the room directly under the den, there it was.  A persistent hum.
     I walked over to the only item in the room that could hum (the others know the words....da da boom!) which was the water pipe leading from the well to the water service.
     Sure enough.  Humming and vibrating.
     I spent a sleepless night, tossing and turning, worrying about the damn hum.
     I called a plumber and by the time they came out at 4, it was late.  The news was not good.
    The pump is bad and has to be replaced.  But they could not do it Friday.
    So they told me to call the well driller, which I did.  They will be out sometime tomorrow.
     Now, the pump is off.  We turn it on when we need water.
     How fun is that?
     (Uncle Jim had a sign in the cottage in Michigan:  If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down.)
     No laundry.  No dish washer.  No washing dishes.
     I have a zoo day tomorrow, so I will turn the water on, take a shower, get Jackie up and in the shower and leave the well on because she can't run up and down the stairs to turn it on.
     Hopefully, life will be back to normal tomorrow.
     For now, the hum is gone.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

it takes forever

I washed some windows today

     I did interiors.  It was too rainy to go out side for anything, let alone wash a window.
     Anyway...we have a triple pane window.  Two panes are filled with something to increase the insulation.  Those two are factory sealed, never to be opened unless by a hammer, baseball, or flying shoe.  The third pane, the one on the room side, also provides insulation in the form of air space plus has space to permit installation of grids, shades, blinds....whatever.  The third pane snaps into place.
     Over time, the third pane seems to get dirty.  Dusty.  Streaked.  So, for the second time, I decided to open the third pane, clean the windows, and have nice views.
     Sounds easy.
     First five windows were fine, top and bottom.
     In the blue bedroom, the spring popped on the window.  (There is a spring attached to a string attached to a plastic gizmo that all works to prevent the window from flopping down and hitting you on the head.)
     This has happened before, but I could not remember how to rethread it.
After about 20 minutes, maybe 30, some choice language, a warning to Jackie not to talk to me until I was done, I proudly reassembled the unit and moved on to the next window.
     Sprooong!  The spring flew across the room.
     I repeat the process, this time cutting the work time down because I was experienced.  (Just like Hendrix.)
     Put the window back together, open the next and SPRONNG!  Spring goes flying, I start cursing....
     There are six window panes in the blue room.  5 of them popped!  Five!!  It took me an extra hour to clean the windows!
     What the hell??
     So, I did not get as much done as I had hoped.   But I am quite good at putting the string onto the spring.
     I only have two windows to go....and I hope they don't spring eternal!
     But the day was salvaged by a World Series win by the Cubs.  Yes, I know the Sox have played a WS twice in my life time, winning one; but this is pretty exciting for me.  I love the Cubs.
     And  I am still looking for a miracle.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

oh my.....

I didn't realize fall was coming

     I know, the calendar said October.  The weather has been warm.  Then today.
It is cold.  And I am feeling it.
    I am washing windows this week.
    Now friend Carrie showed me how to tilt the suckers in, but my fingers are not strong enough to do I have to use a ladder on some of the windows.
That is not such a bad thing...except it is cold out there.
     Anyway, this week is my target for washing the windows and cleaning the house.
     Next week I will tackle redoing my garden or washing and waxing the cars.  Not sure on what I will do.
     When I was a kid, time dragged.  It seemed like 6 months between Labor Day and Halloween.
    Just yesterday we celebrated the opening of baseball season and tonight we watch the beginning of the end. The time from April to now has gone by in a blur.
     So here is my message:  Don't waste time.  Spend it wisely.  All too soon you will realize how little is left.

Monday, October 24, 2016

wish I lived on 34th street

I do believe in miracles
     They just don't believe in me.
     I entered the lottery for the chance to buy tickets but my number did not come up.  So, no tickets.  I can't spend $2,000 on a standing room ticket, knowing that is airfare to Europe.
     On the other hand, it would be super awesome to be there when they win next Sunday night.
     I am torn.
     I also buy lottery tickets.  I guess that is another miracle that I probably will not witness in my lifetime.  If I had won a couple of million earlier this year, I could have bought Cubs tickets without feeling like I am spending all my money.
     Lotteries don't seem to be on my miracle list.
     Well, how about a cure for MS?  Yes, that would be a miracle......and while it will probably be too late for Jackie, a cure would be wonderful for younger people afflicted with this disease.
     And not to be a downer, but it is a pretty crappy illness.  A miracle would be really nice.
     In the old days, a miracle might have been a Cub win.  Now we reserve those acts for the hapless Bears.
     It won't be a miracle when the Cubs win the Series.  It will be cause of good pitching, great hitting, amazing fielding and the souls of Ronnie, Ernie, Harry and all those thousands of Cubs fans now watching from above.
     Steve G. will personally lead them in a chorus of Go Cubs Go, a great song, but if you have a chance, listen to his Dying Cub Fan's Last Request.
     One final question....anyone know the name of a local miracle worker?
     Didn't think so.
     Good night, moon.  Star light, star bright; first star I see tonight.  I wish......

Sunday, October 23, 2016


I never said that!

     In the last 24 hours, I realize that I, and thousands of people, have uttered a phrase they had never said before!
     Think of it....I am 68 years and never said this sentence.  Yes, I have said words: To.  Cubs. Going. Are.  The.  World Series.
     But never in the order I used last night and several times today.
     I thought of other sentences I have never said out loud.
     For example:
     Your elephant is standing on my foot.
     Please take your car out of my living room.
     I was able to by four World Series tickets.
     Never said any of those.
     But last night I said:  The Cubs are going to the World Series.
     Even now, it sounds a little odd.  I may have to say it a few more times to believe it.
     Meanwhile, I will be thinking of other sentences I have never said.  Sentences that involve the words win.  six.  Cubs.
     And maybe I'll even find a miracle and utter another sentence out loud I never thought I would say, one that involves tickets.
     Hey, I can dream, can't I??
     After all, I've been dreaming about his for a long time.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


I am tired, but happy...very happy

     I went to my first Cubs game when  I was about 10.  My Aunt Betty took me.  I don't remember a lot, just that it was a bunch of fun.  They maybe played the Milwaukee Braves, but I am not sure.
     I've been going to games ever since.
     No, I wasn't a Bleacher Bum.  I haven't even seen the play.
     I was just a kid in love with a game.
     I was also in love with Pam in eighth grade.  We went to a game, the Giants, if I remember correctly.  I have a recollection of Willie McCovey and Juan Marichal pitching that day, but my focus was on Pam.
     Turned out, I had a longer relationship with the Cubs than the girl.
     In 67 I had had finished my freshman year at Northern.  The Cubs were in first place, must have been early July.  They had a crucial series with the Cards.  I bought two box seat tickets and asked a girl I had dated at NIU.  I bought some flowers and went to meet her downtown.  I admit I was confused when she ingtroduced me to a girl friend she had invited along.  Two box seats, three people.
     I bought another ticket and watched the game from some seat halfway behind a pole.
     Adding insult to injury, the Cardinals won.  Their announcer, some guy named Harry, was chanting, "The Cardinals are coming, tra la, tra la."  Over and over and over and over.   But he was right.  The Cubs did their annual swoon and the Cards went on to win.
     They broke my heart in 69.  Kenny Hubbs broke my heart in 62 (?) when he died in spring second baseman, could have been a hall of famer.
     Other memories.  Getting Ernie Banks' autograph while he was sitting in his Cadillac leaving the players parking lot.  Listening to games from the West Coast, with Lloyd Petit, Vince Lloyd, Lou Boudreau, and the golden voice of Jack Quinlan.  Sitting in the bleachers in 68, in September, with less than 1,000 people in the park.  I could hear Kessenger chatting in the infield.  Billy Williams hit three home runs.  His first was to right, I was in left.  I moved to left, he hit his second to right.  I moved to right, he hit his third to left.  Jack Brickhouse.   The Hamm's beer commercials.  Pat Piper and his correct starting lineups for today's ballgame.  Frosty Malts.  Yelling "Right here Harv"  whenever Harvey Keuhn came up to bat.
     There used to be a net that hung from the upper deck to  behind home plate.  A foul ball hit back would hit the net and roll down.  We always did a wooooooop! as it rolled and was caught by the bat boy.
     Pushing Jackie down the street following last year's win over the Cardinals in the much for the shuttle buses running on clinch day!
     When Pat Hughes joined the team, I remember not liking him.  John told me to listen again.  I did.  Hughes is a genius.  The black cat.  Ronnie's hair catching fire in New York.
     My mom's love for those "damn Cubs."   My cousin Sally, always a Cub fan and always wanting to get back home to watch a game.  Jackie's dad, sitting backward on a chair, chomping a cigar, swearing as the boys in blue lost another one.  This comes too late for them.  I'm sure every fan has that story to tell, but it is still painful.
     I've taken my family, although not as often as I should have.  I apologize for that.  We should have gone more when you were youlnger.
     When Dan and I bought six packs years ago, they were a lousy team.  101 losses.  Empty stands.  John joined us, what,  the second year?  My memory isn't always correct.  We've watched the team grow.  We've seen these kids grow up, do well, and win.
     Now it's on to Cleveland.
     Four more wins.
     For me, this is the moment I have wanted for years.
     This is the year!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

on the eve

I can't stand the mess....
     No, I am not talking about the presidential election.  But honestly, I can't stand it any more.  The accusations, the false hoods, the dishonesty, and the hypocrisy.....can't we just pick two new people and vote on them?
     No, I am not talking about the Bear's defense, offense, or special teams, because that is more than a mess.  That is a disaster!  I was reading a sports magazine preview of the season and they predicted the Bears would finish 6-10.    Based on what I've seen, that would be a miracle!  How far that team has fallen since they fired Lovey.
     I'm not talking about the Bears.
     I'm not talking about the Internet and all the problems today.  I don't understand it all, but it seems someone did something nasty and a lot of stuff went plop, plop, fizz, fizz.
     I am talking about every flat surface in the house.  Not only can't I deal with paper, someone else seems to have abandoned the concept of tossing crap we don't need.
     Maybe we'll deal with it tomorrow.....or maybe not.
     Time will tell.
     Hopefully, I will be fully rested for the challenge.
     Go Cubs!!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

gimme the nice bright colors

I took a drive on the wild side

     Jackie had physical therapy Wednesday, so we took a little drive down Ill. 2 to look for some fall colors.
     There were some yellows and browns and even some red in the trees and elsewhere.
     Sometimes I forget how  beautiful Ogle County is.  Seriously.  We are fortunate to live in a county with three parks, a state forest, and a huge prairie owned by the Nature Conservancy.  Seeing it reminded me to take advantage of some of those offerings.
     Anyway, it's a nice drive down Ill. Rt. 2.  We went to Lowden and looked at the statue by Taft.....and if you have not seen it lately I suggest you go before it crumbles to pieces.  Truly, it is a shame to see that great landmark is such a deplorable state.
     Anyway, enough of my carping about the problems of life.
     Here are some pictures.

This soccer ball was stuck in the backwater by Oregon...kind of gross looking

For years I have been saying let's do this....just have not.  Yet.

Look at the sad to see it like this

Damn fence got in the way.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

it's in the books

I get really anxious watching the Cubs

     Are my expectations that they will make the World Series too much?  Are they overrated?  Over matched?  Have they peaked?
     Then they put together a game like today's a 10-2 win and I feel giddy!!
     My W is flying proudly!!
     I will sleep soundly, unlike last night.
     I tell you, I had a rough night.
     First I knocked the lamp shade off the lamp and scared the heck out of Corki.  She would not go back to her bed.
     I was kind of flailing around with my blanket and I banged the shade.  Please understand, the shade is no longer attached because the lamp is broken.  I guess I better fix it or get it fixed.
     That guy who dresses like a captain in the hotel commercial?  He hung around with me and got me into all sorts of trouble. It seems it is not ok to walk naked in your own backyard!
     He was so crazy, he (and a 68 year old prostate) got me up a couple of times during the night.
     Of course the recurring dreams of a break in got me up.
     Checking on the light of the moon was a reason to wander the house at 2.
     So I was a little tired today.
     But tonight, I will sleep well....because the boys in blue are back.
     Good night.  Bonne nuit.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

ouch, that didn't hurt

I got my flu shot today

     But not from my daughter.  It seems our insurance does not cover the flu shot at a certain store where my daughter works, but does cover it from a certain store where she used to work.
     Of course, Em called that pharmacist to warn them the biggest baby in history was coming in for a flu shot along with his wife.
     No, I did not faint.  Or flinch.  Or cry.
     I got a sticker.  Then I went to visit my daughter and got yelled at for wearing a competitor's sticker into their pharmacy.  (Actually, I think I had three stickers by this time.)
     Why get the shot now?
     Because a couple of people have come down with the flu.  The longer we wait the more exposed we become.  I don't want to be sick when the Cubs open the World Series in 10 days.  (Yes, I know they are down 2-1.  Yes, I realize the bats are silent.  Yes, the dreaded K man will pitch again.  I believe the Cubbies are just sloughing off to increase the drama and tv ratings.  You'll see.  They'll be pounding the ball like crazy tomorrow.)
     So now I am protected.  Safe.  Healthy.  So is Jackie.
     You should protect yourself too......but check your insurance first.
     It didn't even hurt.

Monday, October 17, 2016

look up

I was amazed by the moon tonight

     I think last night was the full moon, but tonight's was pretty impressive when it rose.  Thin clouds worked their way across it, giving it a striped look.
     I thought this was a harvest moon, but it is not.  That was the prior full moon.    This is hunter's moon, or blood moon.  The reason is that once crops are out of the field and leaves are off the tree, it is easier to see game and to kill it to feed the family.
     Speaking of feeding the family, I had quite a perplexing experience in the middle of the pasta aisle at the grocery store.
     Sometimes I get a little curious about where food comes from.  (I know:  farmers.  Not what I mean.)
     My shirts are labeled, my car is labeled, my tv, mower, tools.....but stuff we put in our mouths and bodies does not have a label telling us where it comes from.  (Or for your English majors, from where it comes.  Or maybe not.  I get confused.)
     So sometimes I look.
     I was buying egg noodles because I had a bee in my bonnet about having sliced beef over wide noodles.  (The beef was a left over from the wedding.)
The first package said, "Distributed by New World Pasta."  So I picked up a second bag, with a different name brand.  It had on the back, "Distributed by New World Pasta."  Picked up a third bag.  "Distributed by New World Pasta."
I picked up the store brand and it said produced in the USA.  So I bought that one.
     I looked at the New World Pasta website and discovered they distribute a lot of pasta under different labels.  And all those labels have a different price.
     It's a conspiracy!!  Another example of those leftist elitists brainwashing us!
     (Oops...sorry, thinking of the upcoming debates.  I fully intend skip them entirely because I am sooooo tired of this whole disgusting circus.)
     Anyway, I know distributed does not mean made in, which concerns me.
Our bodies are special.  (I treat my body like a temple, you treat yours like a tent..." a line from a song that always makes me laugh.)
     We should know where the food comes from before we put it into our bodies.
     Geez, I need a life.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

can't spelll anymore

I think my mental skills are slipping away

I can't seem to type or spell correctly anymore.
Words are all mumbled and jumbled.
Just like a football Green Bay fumbled.
Words I used to easily spell
I now just wonder, what the hell!
why doesn't it look rite two me.
Is it calendar or calandar
truly sometimes I don't care
but other times I just hope
I am not looking like a dope
who can not spell or write very well.
Letters jiust magically appear
because the keys are just too near
and my big foingers can't seem to hit
the right key all the time; Oh shit
I did it again, and again I see
some more misspellings by me.
I think I"ll just head off to bed;
 Maybe sleep will clear my head.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

what a week

I am really tired today
     This has been a long week.  Early meetings, zoo day, Chicago trip.....all made for a tired guy today.
     Today I spent 3 hours downtown at the museum helping with the S'mores...which seemed to be a hit.
     In fact, the whole event seemed to be a hit.  BBQ was sold out by 3, doughnuts were gone by 1, pork chops were so popular they went into their reserve.
     And the museum sold over 125 delicious marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker treats.
     I've had a couple of glasses of pretty mediocre wine and enjoyed watching the Cubs rally and win.
     So to bed.....dreaming of a ticket to paradise, or Wrigley for a WS game.
     This is the year.

Friday, October 14, 2016

alll aboaaaarrrrrrd

I love riding the train to the city

     I am serious.  It is stress free, cheaper, and provides a look at people you don't normally see.
     But it can cause a little embarrassment.
     I was on the platform waiting for the train Thursday when a lady said hello and smiled.  I said hello back, just being polite.  Then she started a conversation and I realized I knew this person!  But they had on sunglasses and a head wrap, so I could not see their entire face, but I knew I knew them.
     Turned out it was Rev. Stacy from church, whom I have known for at least six years.  I tell ya, if it's out of context, I have a problem.
     I sat down on the train,  and a man sat two seats ahead of me.  I noticed his smell right away.
     It wasn't a body smell, it was a cigarette smell.  This guy must have smoked 10 packs a day in a closed space.
     I didn't know whether to congratulate him for helping prop up the state government by paying a lot of tax money, or tell him about my cousin who was a life long smoker and eventually died because of lung cancer.
     So, I moved to another seat.
     I also watch people..... not that I am a degenerate creep or anything, but I enjoy watching people.  (Beth, no comment.  You either, Carrie.)
     One man had a hand made sign sewed on the back of his coat that said "Don't ask, Google it."   I was going to ask him what it meant, but decided not to, obviously missing the irony of the situation.
     A woman sat next to me on the way home.  She had two cell phones, a lap top, two leather bags and a stack of spiralled objects that looked like reports or student projects.  Plus she had a three inch binder.  I don't know what her job is, but she had a lot of homework.
     Another lady had a laptop out and was reading some papers.  She compared the papers with whatever was on the screen, tapping on each word on the papers while she checked the laptop screen.  She may have been proofreading a report, a novel, or a brief.  She was focused. I don't think she was counting words on the printed page, but she could have been.
     And leather messenger bags.  Everyone on the ride home at at least one well worn one.  Some people had two bags and a backpack!
     I always fantasize about their jobs.  Maybe a criminal defense attorney working on a way to get a client off.  Or a forensic accountant trying to put a politician in jail.  Maybe a college professor.  Or a student.
     Watching all the work they put into work made me tired and happy that I am no longer part of that stream, and never was a part of their stream.
     I often look at the waves of people getting on and off and wonder if they are happy in their lives.
     Because I am.  And I do love riding the train.  No messenger bag needed.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

that toddlin' town

I spent the day in Chicago today

     Our niece and her two boys were in from Switzerland for a visit.  They went to the city today and I joined them.
     We met at Ogilvie station at 10 a.m.
     Let me explain something.
     To take the 8:05 train, I have to leave the house at 6:45.  To leave the house at 6:45 I have to get up at 5:50.  That is A.M.  I am retired!   I usually don't get up until 8:30 or 9!
     Wednesday I had a 7 a.m. Rotary meeting.  I got up at 6 for that.  Again, that is A.M.
     Tomorrow I have a zoo day.........
     Throw in a couple of late night games, lack of falling asleep due to a heightened state of happiness or angst, and you'll see why I am tired.
     But spending time with Megan, Michael and Ben was worth it.  We don't get to see each other very often, so I was very happy to join them.  Unfortunately Jackie did not go.  She just can't do the walking and moving that would have been required of her today.
     Anyway, here are some pictures to explain what we did and saw today.

Even the fountain at Daley Plaza was flowing Cubbie blue!

Farmers market in the plaza....very common in Swiss towns too

the pigeons were looking for heat.  If they get too close, it could be dinner!



Mr. Cub and the boys

banners are up

We walked to my old house, where their grandfather lived.  My brother Denny is Michael's dad, but Michael could not make the trip.  

checking out the seals at Lincoln Park Zoo

on the boardwalk

getting a feel for the Earth

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

a dickens of a guy

I am going to gush about a guy tonight

     When the Cubs hired Joe Maddon, I did not know what to expect.  He walked away from Tampa Bay and walked into the job with the Cubs.  He was a big deal hire.
     Over the last two years I have come to somewhat understand his philosophy of baseball:  win.
     He is quirky, has a low key sense of humor and seems like the kind of man I would like to sit down with and have a glass of wine.
     (New dream:  Sitting with Pat Hughes and Joe Maddon and just visiting over a glass of wine and some warm bread sticks.)              
      Anyway, the other night Maddon said something that resonated with me.
He was talking about expectations.
     "Expectation is a good word.  It means there is a lot expected of you....good!  There should be.  We should all have a lot expected of us.  It should manifest itself in that it brings out the best in you."
      I love that sentiment.
     Sometimes I think that is what is wrong with us as a people.  (Well, 1 of the things wrong with us...I have a list.)
     We don't always expect a lot from ourselves, our friends, our families, our students.  It seems we sometimes accept the bare minimum.
     I am focusing on this because I am entering a new phase in my rather chaotic life.
     I am joining the speech team coaching staff at our local high school.  I will be working with teenagers in their original comedy and humorous duet efforts.
     I am really nervous.  And scared.  I am 50 + years older than all of these kids!      I don't understand their world, and I am sure they don't understand mine.  I have never worked with high school students, other than my own, and I hope I have the patience and temperament to meet their needs.
     One thing I do know is I have high expectations, for them and for me.
     That's not a bad thing, in fact, it's good.  Very, very good.
     Maddon said so.
     That's good enough for me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I have fallen and I can't get up

     My optimism has been dulled a little.  My Cubbies will come back...they have to.
     This is the year.
     But they have to play better.
     I have to be better at my stuff too.
     I bought a neat pennant at the Baseball Hall of Fame.  It's a Cubs banner to hang on my wall.
     I plan on writing the hall of fame people because my Heritage Banner, a genuine wool blend decor, was made in China.
     These people know nothing of baseball!  Banners sold at the Baseball Hall of Fame should be made in the USA!  It's an American sport!!
     I have not written the fast food place we ate at in Cooperstown.  It was the dirtiest I have ever been in.  Spilled liquids on the floor, french fries on the floor, garbage cans full....... I really want to tell them how poor it was.
     And then there are the hotels.  Two that were great, one  not so great, one not good.  I have on line comment requests from all of them, and I plan to use them!
     But I probably will never do it.  I have it on my low list of things to do.
     High on my list are:  doing the outside trim, redoing my big planter, filling in along the driveway, hanging the bike and taking care of the postcards.  Oh, I forgot dusting the nutcracker cabinet.
     None of them are big projects, well, the planter one is.  Feel free to stop out with a shovel and help.
     I just have to get it done.
     Like the Cubs.

Monday, October 10, 2016


I am watching the Cubs

     Hopefully there will be a win by the time I am done with this little epistle.
     I write during commercials.
     Which are my concern tonight.
     The commercial with the llama, or alpaca, makes me wonder:  How can the animal raises its hands at the end?  How does it stand?  Seems to me it would fall down.  And where are the other players when he misses the inside the park home run?
     And the commercial where the little guy spills his nachos on the really big guy...they order a new jersey on their phone.  How does it get delivered to the ball park?
     I know...they are commercials.  They are not meant to reflect reality in any way.
     Cubs just brought in the eighth.  That is not good.
     The announcers drive me nuts.  They actually said, "The Cubs starting pitching has been good, but San Francisco just hasn't been hitting the ball."  Maybe, just maybe the starting pitching being good has something to do with that.
     And why do the people in the Chevy commercials seem, I don't know, simple?  They drive me nuts too.
     Well, it's now 5-5 in the bottom of the, I'll be devoting my full attention to the Cubs win.
     This is the year!!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

baby, that's orange

I cleaned up the garden today

     I admit, I have not paid much attention to it for three weeks, maybe four.  Or 5.
     I did pick the last of the green beans, and we had them for supper.  This was the second planting.  They were a little tough.  Actually, they were a lot tough.
     I have a bunch of green peppers.  I think we are going to have stuffed peppers tomorrow night, and may have a couple that we can core and freeze for stuffed peppers later.
     I have a few red tomatoes, and a lot of green tomatoes.  I heard they are great fried, but someone isn't excited about trying them.
     It was the carrots that filled me with the most anticipation.  I love carrots.
     I sow my carrots.  I don't plant them in rows, I just scatter the seeds in an area.
     Next year I have to scatter less seeds.  And I have to thin my crop.
     I have a lot of carrots that fall into the baby carrot category.  Not big enough to scrape and freeze, but big enough to not toss.
     Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of big carrots because I didn't thin them out and they just grew too close together.
     I also had some white and yellow carrots.  I did not keep them.  They just looked weird.
     So tomorrow we will spend part of the day scraping, slicing, blanching, bagging and freezing the carrot crop of 2016.  I think there will be enough for the winter, but it is hard to tell.  Once we get them sorted it'll be a lot easier.
     There are still a few green peppers on the plants.....figured I would let them soak up the sun and warmth for a few days and maybe get a little bigger.
     And if it is nice, I will get the mowing done first before working on the carrots.
     Fall is in the air.  I can smell it.  So I better get going on my summer projects before it is too late!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

curse? ha!!

I have been a Cub fan since ...... well, long ago

     My heart was broken in 1969.  I still have dreams about that year.
     I've been to my share of games where the crowd was in the hundreds, and the team was pretty bad.
     This year is different.
     Talent.  Heart.  Competitive.  And a desire to have fun.
     That's what makes these guys interesting.
     I do think they will win the World Series.  I do think they will take San Fran in 4 games.  I do think this is the year.
     I've watched them for years, but it is all a blur.  The teams that almost made it only to have a ball go through the legs of a first baseman, or a team melt down after a foul ball, or all the other times they have come up short.
     And the players.  Not just these guys, but Ronnie, Fergie, Ernie, Billy, Randy, Ken, Starlin, Shawon, Lee, Derek, Ryno....I could go on but you all know them.
     They all came up a little short.
     But these guys won't.
     No curse.  No jinx.  No excuses.
     This is the year.

Friday, October 7, 2016

odds and ends

I have a lot on my mind tonight

     Great Cubs game!  Baez and Lester were supermen tonight!  Now, just 10 more and we could break the curse.  I keep saying I will be happy when their last game is a win.
     Did a lousy job mowing today.  Grass was long, I left clumps all over.  I didn't trim.  Looks terrible.  Plus, we had some work done on the ditch, evening it out and filling in the low spots.  But it is so wet, I am afraid the mower will get stuck..... again.  So the grass there is a little long.
     Climbed down into my egress windows to find a model number but did not.    For three years I have been wanting to put covers on them so the snow does not come into the wells.  Just not sure what to buy.  I wrote the company, and hopefully I can get the right cover.
     A few pictures that I just want to share.  Don't know why, guess I am just weird.

     Shelburne Farms has several huge barns.  This historic barn burned in early September.  The fire was started by lightning and was difficult to fight because of the location and lack of water.

     I think these are turkeys.  I did not know young turkeys are white!  Thanks to WKRP, I know they can't fly!

Colors in Vermont

Colors in New York

     I have no idea what scarified pavement is, but I was on the alert.  I think it is pavement that has deeply cut lines throughout.

     Learned something new at the baseball HOF.  Cubs put a kalsomine on the Giants tonight!

     Ok, this was one of several similar clocks on sale at a rest area in Ohio.  Now, imagine yourself driving down the road, stopping for a pee break or for some coffee and deciding to buy a clock.  There were also some really garish ceramic figurines.  Who would buy them?
     By the way, I have a couple I can show you.
     I can go to bed happy tonight......1-0 Cubs, 1-0 in the series, 1-0 in the playoffs.....good night!

Thursday, October 6, 2016


I may have brought back an unwanted souvenir

     I have been coughing for the last three days.  Today I felt really tired and achy.  Not so much coughing, just really tired.
     I did not do very much, just rested.
     I am putting it down to the day after vacation hang over.
     Just hope it goes away tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

that was short

We are safely back

     We drove about 2,400 miles round trip, and about 1,050 from Cooperstown starting Tuesday morning.
     The car is unpacked but a mess.  The house was nice and clean, thanks Sheri! But the slobs have returned and now there is a mess in the kitchen, nook, and dining room.  It will all be straightened tomorrow.
     Just a few things to say.
     The Indiana toll road is not as good as Illinois' in terms of pavement and signage....a lot of their signs are worn and hard to read.  And thanks for the info on how to go find the detour to go west on 80......I blinked and missed it, so we ended up driving through Chicago to get home.
     And several of the rest areas are closed.  That is a bummer.
     Ohio has great rest areas.  So does New York.  They are staggered about 40 miles apart, which makes it nice.
     Hardly anyone does the speed limit.
     Hardee's still exist.
     Westlake, Ohio, is an amazing town, especially the shopping/entertaining/dining district where the Hyatt is.  I have never paid to park at a shopping center, however.  Fifteen minutes cost 25 cents.
     We got 27.8 MPG on the van and about 60 miles on my bladder.
     The GPS based guidance systems are always right.  Follow them, wherever they tell you to go.  You won't be sorry.
     Tim Horton has great doughnuts.  (For Kim, if she reads this.)   Coffee wasn't that good, however.
     Waffle makers at the hotel breakfast bars are a wonderful creation.
     Driving makes me tired.
     Good night.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

the end is near

We made it to Cleveland

     Did not get lost.  Drove from Cooperstown to here in about 7 hours.  We stop a lot.  She needs to walk and I need to relieve myself.
     When I picked Cleveland, I had no idea it was almost exactly half way from Cooperstown!     Seriously, it was like 2 miles difference from Cleveland to Cooperstown and Cleveland to Rochelle.    It makes it easy to travel to Cooperstown to watch someone graduate in the spring, or just visit.
     Anyway, we are in Westlake, a little west of Cleveland.  Our hotel tonight is new...opened in June...and the room is very nice.  Walk in shower.  Grab bars.  Plenty of room.
     All in all it was a pretty routine, maybe boring, day once we left Cousin Bob and Anita and Cooperstown.
     Went to A Cheesecake Factory for supper and ate weigh too much.  (That was a pun, done intentionally.)  In fact, I could not finish my 30th anniversary chocolate layered cheesecake.    Seriously, I could not eat all of it.
     But I did find the sausage that we had five days ago...or the rest of the sausage.  It has not been refrigerated, but I could smell it in the van.  I did toss it.
     We got to the room and went to plug in our dead phones, but could not find either charger.  Looked through all the suitcases, went out to the car and searched under the seats, but nothing.
     Turns  out someone had them in a hidden pocket.
     Not mentioning any names.
     Now, to bed and hopefully, early to rise.

Monday, October 3, 2016

hey, hey!

I visited some old friends today

     Ernie, Ronnie, Billy, Fergie, Three Fingers........ all legends in their time in the world of baseball.
The Hall of Fame is a pretty awesome place.  A lot of history, and not all of it pretty.
     It was especially heartbreaking, and maddening, to read of the hatred directed at black ball players....even into the 1970s.  Jackie Robinson got hate mail, so did Henry Aaron, all because they were playing a game with whites.  Truly a sad commentary on our fundamental belief that all men are created equal.
     Enough of that.
     Also reconnected with Karissa to give her some museum passes and take her picture!  She is such a bubbly, sweet girl.  I am glad we got to see her again.
     Had lunch at Fry Creek Cider Mill and spent $80 in the gift shop.  Don't ask, and don't shop hungry.
     We capped off the day by going to a brewery and doing a beer sampling.  I say we, because my cousin Bob and his wife Anita spent the day with us.
     I am not a beer drinker, but some of the beers were pretty darn good.  I found out I really don't like IPA........ too bitter for me.
     Cooperstown is a beautiful little town.  We loved the Victorian houses and the old looking buildings.  But they all sell baseball memorabilia..... go figure!
     I am feeling like I have a cold...does not bode well for the drive home.
     We hit the road in the a.m........wish us luck!

I took this picture.  Sure, it looks like a pro did it and it looks like it might be in a frame and maybe there is a glare off the car window glass but not the glass in the frame, but I did take it

This is the year!

He was one of the greats....even though he was a Card!  Still admire The Man.

I think we met the player who wore this uniform while in Cuba.

Karissa and I matched for the picture!!

No milk involved

Bob, Anita and Jackie
This one I did take.....just not a lot of color.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Gonna visit the greats

Made it to the Hall of Fame in one piece!

     Our hotel  room does have a roll in shower, so no climbing over the tub edge.  It is rather small, but it is a roll in, so that is good.
     But the best part of the day was supper.
     Not only did we meet up with my cousin Bob and his wife Anita, we met Karissa K., a former student, as well.
     She is in graduate school here and we had a great time talking about her future, life, and the good old days in fifth grade in Rochelle.  How come every student remembers the Dickow Dump???
     The only downside was I forgot to take a picture!!  I can't believe we sat there all night  (or t least two hours) and I didn't take a shot.  Hopefully we will run into her tomorrow.....I know where she works, so I will officially become a stalker......
     Cousin Bob and Anita live in Syracuse and drove down to join us.  They are staying in the same hotel, and have lots of coupons for Cooperstown attractions.  I can't remember the last time we saw each other, but it was quite a while ago.
     Tomorrow the Hall of Fame is on tap.  It'll be my chance to visit all the great Cubs and even some of the other players.
     I hear Pete Rose sometimes hangs around in front, selling autographs.  I bet he is there tomorrow.
     I do feel like I am getting a cold.....but life goes on.
     Since we spent most of the day driving and eating, no pictures.
     But hopefully I'll have some tomorrow.

in a rut

I spent part of the day pouting

     I booked our room in Rutland on an internet site.  I asked for a walk in shower in an accessible room.
     So when we arrived at our hotel, they showed us to our room.  Regular bathtub, but with grab bars.
     You probably know, Jackie can not lift her left leg.  Getting into a regular tub is a very difficult, and dangerous, event.
     I told the front desk this was not the room we had asked for.
     They apologized and put us in a room with a walk in shower.  Nice room.
     At 9 this morning, they knocked on our door and said we had to move to another accessible room because this whole floor was booked as one unit.
     So we a room with a tub.  And grab bars.
     I said that was not good for us, but they had no other options.  There are two tour buses here, and they are booked.  I assume since they stay here more often than we do, they have priority.
     There is a Holiday Inn down the road.  We had three nights in three different inns and all had walk in showers, as per the reservation.  I don't know why I did not book there....but maybe the HA rooms were already booked.
     Oh well.
We took a drive, just wandering around central Vermont looking for color.  We did not find much, and what we saw was pretty muted.
     Here are the reasons why.  And these are actual things I was told....not making it up.
     It has been dry in Vermont, so the colors are late.
     It has been too wet in Vermont, so the colors are late.
     The colors are not late, they just usually don't peak until Oct. 12.
     The colors are late, usually they have started full by now.
      Once the trees start, they will be done in 4 days or less because they are so late and it has been so dry.  Or wet.  Or cold.  Or hot.....all were cited.
     So, there you have it.  We have seen a little color, but not the intense, vibrant oranges and reds and yellows that come out in fall.
     But we did see some really neat towns, a couple of actual, in use, covered bridges, a great ice cream stop, lots of mountains and twisty roads, and really nice people.
     Now, on to the Hall of Fame!!

many towns have scarecrows on display


One of the cascades at Warrens Falls

speaking of fall

They do exist

on Covered  Bridge Road

decorating a town square

cream and milk?
Look what we found

Yes, it was delicious!!