Friday, September 9, 2016

there's always a first time

I had a surprise this morning

     I walked to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, walked to the kitchen, put on the tea kettle, and hunted  for Corki, who for some reason was hiding behind my chair in the den.
     Now we are in an upheaval because our new mattress was delivered today.  Yesterday we moved the mattress off our bed because I had a zoo day today, which meant sleeping in the spare bedroom.
     It was strange that Corki seemed so unresponsive, hiding behind the chair and not wagging her tail.
     So I went to brush my teeth, walked across our carpeted bedroom.....and my feet got wet.
     I knelt down, felt and smelt, and surprise!  Somebody peed on the carpet.
     It wasn't me.
     It wasn't Jackie.
     I guess I made a mistake by not sending Corki out as soon as I saw her.
     And she knew she had done wrong.  She was afraid to come to us, would not go into the bedroom, and went back to her hiding place.  Her tail did not wag.
     I sprayed the carpet with a pet odor remover and tonight it does not seem to smell, but my nose isn't what it used to be.
     This was her first accident.  She has been with us for 341 days, so I guess this is an acceptable accident rate.  It was mostly my fault, because I did not send her out.  Just wish she had peed on the flooring instead of the carpet.
     But I think it's strange that she does not bark when she wants to go out, but barks when she wants to come in.
     Thank heavens Jackie and I use a toilet.  No barking is involved for either of us.

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