Friday, September 16, 2016

what do you know

I got nothin.....really

     Yes, the Cubs clinched, but it was a little anti climatic.  We all knew it was going to happen.  Still, it was good to see the guys celebrate.
     Finally hung my flag pole.  That was a three year project.
     Just kind of a hum drum bike ride because of the rain; doctor appointment; White Castle for lunch; postponement of diet until tonight; pizza and wine with a friend; postponed diet until tomorrow.
     Really, a hum drum kind of day.
     So, some pictures to make up for my lack of words.
     I did discover the camping trip with the the same weekend I watch dogs.  Should have checked my calendar.  Same old story.

How true, how true

This is along a bike path in DeKalb.....I don't know if it is a bench or a gravestone.

I just like old farm buildings and barns

Neighbors' house was under a rainbow today!

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