Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I think I found heaven today

     This was, without a doubt, the best day of the trip!
      Lots of reasons.
     We did not get lost.  (Ok, we ended up at Shelburne Airport instead of Shelburne Farms, but we were close.  Damn auto correct.)
     Jackie did not fall.
     We drove almost to the top of a mountain.
     We met a sweet baby!
     Had a great lunch.
     Enjoyed a quiet night in the Pottery Shed.
     Visited some old friends.
     First off, Josie!  She is the 8 month old daughter of Luke and Christine, really nice people who used to go to church with us in DeKalb.  Last August Luke got a job at Green Mountain College and Josie was born in January.
    Jackie and I really like Luke and when we decided to take the trip east to see fall colors, we thought we would stop in an visit them and meet Josie.  She s adorable and did not cry when I held her!
     We went to lunch at a local place in Poultney and I had a delicious chicken and gravy over biscuits with a butternut squash was awesome.
     We got to tour the campus of Green Mountain College and just enjoyed a beautiful fall day with wonderful people.
     Our spot at Shelburne Farms is on a bluff overlooking Lake Champlain.  It is dark out, very dark, and it isn't even 8 p.m.!
     It is also quiet.  Very, very, quiet.  Tonight's low is supposed to be in the upper 40s.....hello fall!
     We came to see the fall colors, but unless the fall color is green, we are coming p a little short.
     Before leaving Lake George NY we went up Veteran's Highway to get some overviews of the area.  It is drop dead  beautiful.
     Enough of are some pictures.

I love neon signs......this one would never pass muster today

In 1875 a cog railway was built to the top....some ruins remain

Lake George

Me on the way up Veteran's Highway
Not a typical school.....but it was built in 1830

Luke and Chris with Josie....Jackie is really happy, she just doesn't like the chair

at the diner

Our place for the next two nights

view out our door

view from the garden at the inn

saw lots of solar fields in Vermont

You always have to watch for deer and...... camels?

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