Saturday, September 17, 2016

not enough time

Sometimes I feel there is not enough time in the day

     For instance, I had some things to do today, and could not go to to Autumn on the Prairie at Nachusa Grasslands.
     I loved going there in the past.  Walking on the prairie, eating some kettle corn, listening to the sounds of nature..... a great day on the prairie.
     But I didn't have time.
     Of course, not remembering it was today also made it difficult to go.  I found out about 3, talking to two friends who had just come from there.  But I still didn't have time.
     But I did go to the three other activities I had today.
     I have started making notes for the back door, which helps.
     For instance, Tuesday I have to help at the museum, so I have a note on the door.
    Monday we have a doctor appointment.  Note on the door.
    Wednesday......nothing!  No note on the door.  Well, actually PT in the morning, but from 1 p.m. on, I am unencumbered.
      I know as a retired guy I should not complain about being busy.  Truth is, when I was working I could not do all the things I do now, it would have been impossible.
     Plus, now I have even more duties than I did before.  I do most of the housework, but the laundry isn't my cup of tea.  I avoid that if possible.
     And housework has even taken less of importance.  Maybe I don't need to clean every week.  And when I do clean, maybe I don't have to be so OCD about it.  For instance, I wash the toilets with a brush.  Then I do the rims  and seat with a blue sponge.  Then I do the rims and seat with a yellow sponge.  Then I spray them with a cleaner and wipe them dry.  You could eat off these toilets!
     Overkill?? Maybe, but I like clean toilets.
     I also thought maybe we should not use all of them...would cut my cleaning time down.  Currently we go to the can that's closer.  Maybe we should just use the one in our bedroom and I would not have to clean the others.
     I'm guessing that will not be a possibility.
     Oh well.....

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