Monday, September 19, 2016

how much??

What would I pay for a World Series ticket?

     I am 68, been waiting a long time to see the Cubs in a World Series.
     Yes, I know they have to get through the two division series first, but I am a positive thinker.  This year.
     Tickets are hard to come by.  The teams get tickets, the advertisers, league officials, other teams executives, season tickets and then the general public.
     Last year 1.2 million signed up for the lottery to buy tickets.  I was fortunate enough to be drawn and did buy tickets for the St. Louis series, but not the Mets.      Thank heavens.
     This year the demand will be even larger because that band wagon is filling up fast.
     Back to last year.  Season ticket holders can buy tickets in advance.  They can buy for a specific series and if the series is not played, they get their money back.       Last season bleacher seats were offered for $3,000 for the series by one of the season ticket holders.  That is one ticket, one game.
     So, how much would I pay?
     $3,000 is a lot of money....two airfares to Switzerland.
     Yet, it isn't a lot of money to watch history being written.  The first time in a World Series in my lifetime?  Priceless.
     I've watched the Cubs almost win in 69, and it still hurts to remember that year.
      I've been to Cub games where there were less than 1,000 people in the stands.       Games where the upper deck wasn't open.  Games where the vendors seemed to outnumber the fans.
     I went to my first game in 1958.  Ernie was a kid.  Ronnie wasn't yet up.     Names like Kuehn, Altmann, Buschee, Taylor,  Hubbs, Santo, Kessenger, Beckert and Banks, Williams, Hundley, Smith, Jenkins, Hotzman, Hands........ all of these guys come back to me when I go to the park.
     I would love to be there when the Cubs finally win a World Series.
     But I won't spend a lot of money on a ticket.  Hopefully I'll get in the lottery and have a chance to buy some WS tickets.
     Of course, I could always win $100 million in the lotto and not worry about it..... but I don't think that will happen either.
     Maybe a Go Fund Me account to send Terry to the World Series?
     I bet I could raise $50.  Maybe.
     Time will tell.

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