Monday, September 5, 2016

happy Labor Day

I celebrated Labor Day today

     I worked.  Not for pay, not for pleasure.  But it is work just the same.
     I mowed the yard in record time.  It only took about 90 minutes.  I had hurried so we could Skype Julia around noon.....but we could not get through.
     So I went to the store to get my prescriptions.  As I left Wally world at 1:30, I realized I forgot the scripts.....and the pharmacy is closed for half an hour at 1:30.  So I have to go back tomorrow.
     I did run into several people and we talked about Cubs, swimming pools and garden mums.  It was an eclectic conversation....or two.
     When I got home I decided to vacuum out the cars.  By then it was late and it was getting hot.  It got hot enough that I felt sick to my stomach and had to rest a while.  I sure did not feel good.
     I had thought I could get a ride in today.....but I just felt yucky, if that is a word and spelled correctly.
     I guess I get into the fall feeling.  The heat has not bothered me like that all summer.   Until today.   Strange.
     And I have a couple of pictures.  One I snapped in Big R....the other out in the country.
     Any guesses what this is???

It's a nut roller picker upper!  Seriously!!  You roll this along the ground and it will pick up acrons, walnuts, and whatever else nutty is in your yard.  It seems very well made, but I wonder if it actually works.  Can you imagine the person who invented this?  Wonder what his/her thought process was.  And at $34.99 it seems to be a bargain that you would be nutty to pass up!
      Just a machine shed I the rusty color.
     Wall painting day tomorrow....and tree planting day....and who knows what else.
     You see, every day is Labor Day for me!
     Good night...sleep tight....don't let the bed bugs bite.

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