Saturday, September 10, 2016

step by step

I am actually getting some projects one

     Technically, I am not getting the projects done, but I am hiring people to do it.  Same thing.  End result, project done.
     In our last house, I think we had the inside of the front door unpainted for the full 20 plus years we lived there.
     This house has a fiberglass door that came unfinished.  That was almost 4 years ago.  I knew what I wanted, I was just uncertain how to get there.
     A friend said I could stain the door myself.  So I found directions,  read the numerous steps that had to be done, and elected to find a painter.
     The first two I called did not want to do the door because it required a certain touch, and they were uncomfortable.
     The third painter promised three times to come, but never showed.
     So I decided to do it myself.  I went to the paint store we used, directions in hand, explained my plight and asked if I could do it myself.
     The lady said, "Yes, but I have one question.  Do you want it to look nice?"
     Since I said yes, she suggested I have it hired out and gave me some names.
     The first man I called came, gave an estimate, said he would be back on a Monday, was here, did the door, came back three times to seal and clean up.  He probably spent 20 hours on the project.
     I think it looks great.
     Now the interior looks complete.
     This year we have put in new kitchen counter tops, had a back splash installed, stained the front door and planted three trees.
     I am crossing things off my list....and  mainly, I am writing a lot of checks!
     But that's fine by me, because sometimes I just don't know my limitations....and that can be very, very bad.
     So, here's the door.


  1. Awesome Article The Door Looks Good Terry !

  2. It was nice of the lady at the store to give you some names rather than just selling the supplies and calling it a day. I think the professional you hired did a great job with your front door. It seems like you are getting things done little by little, and there is nothing wrong with hiring professionals to take on the jobs.
