Tuesday, September 6, 2016

kind of ticked

I sometimes hate our computerized world

     Tonight, for example.  I can't seem to log into an account.  And I can't log into the password reminder account either.
     Why is this so hard?
     When I was a kid, I worked in a food store.  Every Tuesday night we stocked the shelves because Wednesday was the big day for sales.  We would open a box, find the price, and use a stamp to put the price on the cans or boxes.  Sometimes we used stickers.
     If the price changed, which was usually on Thursday, we had to go back with nail polish remover and take off the old price and re stamp the new price.
     The clerk at the register would pick up your item, look at the price, and tap it in.
If the price tapped in wasn't what was on the item, you knew it.
     Now?  Fat chance.
     Twice in the past two weeks I have bought items that were marked one price, but rang up a different, higher price.  The first item I took back, because it was over $1.  Today's item was 50 cents higher than the price on the shelf.
     So I asked a guy working in the aisle why the price was different.
     He seemed surprised I was asking about a 50 cent difference, like it was no big deal.  So I told him it wasn't the money, it was simply that if a store was selling an item for x amount, then the customer should pay x amount.
     He did some checking and found that the item rung up  correctly, but was stocked in the wrong place, which was why the shelf price was cheaper.
     I did not go to the service counter for a refund, I should have just on general principles.
     Anyway, started the day by painting my concrete wall so it doesn't stand out so much.
     I think it looks purple......look at it and tell me I am nuts.

    It still doesn't look right......sigh
    Maybe lighter and with more yellow??
    Next time.

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