Friday, September 23, 2016

360 difference

I am perfect

     No, I am not referring to  my svelte figure, shining personality, tremendous writing abilities, or my amazingly hysterical sense of humor.
     I mean in Cub games this year.  Been to 6, they have won all six.
     When we started buying the six pack of tickets, there were a couple of years when I could not have said that.
     100 loss seasons, empty seats, players who were not very good and who did not seem to care.  Ownership that was afraid to spend to improve the product.
     Then they were sold, and a plan put in place.
     Last year happened and our eyes were opened.
     These kids can play.  Flat out play.
     I am hoping someone from the Cubs reads this and realizes that my being 6-0 is not a's fate.  If they want to continue winning, John, Dan and I should be invited to all the games.
     Pinch me when I wake up.

This is where the McDonald's used to be....there will be a five story hotel here.  There goes the view!

Offices and ad min building at the north end of the plaza

Not exactly a clear day in Chi town

Really nice video tribute and ceremony for David Ross

He got home plate and the number 3 from the scoreboard

All of them?  

I got the L out of there

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