Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I could not decide

I sat out an election this week

     The Chicago Tribune had a contest to pick the greatest team in Chicago baseball.  First you picked the Sox players, by position, then you picked the Cubs.  When all the positions were voted on, readers selected the best player in each position.
     I could not do it.
     First off, I am a Cub fan, which blinds my judgment.
     But mostly, these are pretty great players and picking one over the other seemed a crime.
Like shortstop....I would name Ernie Banks, but Luke Appling was a great player in his time.  Nellie Fox or Ryan Sandberg?  (I still have my Nellie Fox second baseman's glove from when I was a kid who played baseball.) Both super.  Yes, I would take Billy Williams over Ron Kittle for left field, and probably Ron Santo over Robin Ventura at third.....but Harold Baines or Andre Dawson in right?  Jim Landis or Hack Wilson in center?  Well, maybe Wilson with his 191 RBI one season. Lyons or Jenkins as starters?  Wilhelm or Suter as relievers?  Tough choices.
     Looking at the list, it's funny that Santo, Banks, Williams and Jenkins were all the best in their positions.  As you know, they all played on the 69 team that just collapsed at the end.  Sad season, indeed.
     So I didn't vote.
     Lucky for me the choice is so much easier come November!  My mind is already made up!!

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